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Digital prescription: easy for doctors and patients

Digital prescription: easy for doctors and patients

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The digital prescription is another result of technological progress benefiting essential areas of our lives. With it, the drug prescription process became much faster and more practical, even preventing patients from running out of recurring medicines due to social distancing. When it comes to improvements in medical tools, it is common to remember super advanced examination machines or how surgeries can be performed more easily nowadays. But if we stop to think, get one Prescribing medicine without having to leave home it is a technology that is much more present in our daily lives; and that makes all the difference, especially in the context of a pandemic.

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This advance was only possible after a law implemented in September 2020 and, because it is still recent, it ends up raising many doubts both among doctors and patients. To provide answers in a simple way and to help you add that ease to your daily life, Clicksign prepared this text. Stay with us and learn more about digital recipes!

Digital prescription: what is it and how does it work?

A digital prescription is a way of prescribing medications through an online document. Doctors fill in all the information - name of the medication, amount to take, time between doses -, and send to the patient as a PDF file by email, messaging app, or SMS. In this way, it is not necessary for both of them to meet for the delivery of the recipe. It's a practical option that protects everyone at a time when social distancing is the number one recommendation. You don't even have to leave your house to get all your medications, since today the vast majority of pharmacies have the option of residential delivery. Not all medicines are allowed to be prescribed this way, but a wide variety can be obtained this way - even anxiolytics, antipsychotics and other controlled formulations. Different from a digitized recipe, in which you have a physical copy and use a scanner to take another one, digital medical prescriptions are 100% online. These advances only existed after the creation of Law 14,063/20, which is one of laws that regulate digital signatures for the government. See a little more about!

Understand what the Digital Signature Act is

When the context in which we live changes, it is necessary to develop new methods and procedures so that we can continue carrying out certain activities. The digital signature law is one of those new ways that we found to get through the Covid-19 pandemic in a better way in several sectors. After allowing for consultations to take place virtually, on September 23, 2020, the Brazilian government allowed official documents, including certificates and medical prescriptions, to be digitally signed. Law 14,063/20 includes a division of different types of subscriptions, and those that are valid for the health area are the so-called Qualified Electronic Signatures (A3).O digital certificate It is one of the requirements to obtain your digital signature, as it proves that the document is official and that it has not changed. He is indispensable for doctors and pharmacists who want to make use of online means to work on prescriptions for medicines. This decision by the legal bodies brought an improvement to several areas, but in terms of health we can highlight some very important ones. Learn more about these benefits!

Benefits of digital prescriptions

As we said before, the digital prescription was an essential tool for the most complicated moments of the pandemic. But its advantages go well beyond protection of health professionals and patients, even though this is one of the main ones. Check out some other benefits of adopting this practice:

  • bigger security the authenticity of medical documents;
  • Economics of paper and financial resources in clinics and hospitals;
  • Um environmental impact positive, by generating fewer papers for disposal;
  • Agility to prescribe medications;
  • Patients do not need to pause the use of continuous medicines due to lack of face-to-face care;
  • It is possible to fill out a prescription from any place or device without losing the validity of that document.

Can you imagine how many people have benefited from this type of prescription? It is worth remembering that joining The use of virtual recipes is not mandatory, but it's a very positive practice for both doctors and patients. If you want more reasons to convince yourself to get your digital signature, read our post”Health: how digital solutions can accelerate this market“!

Digital signature for doctors: how to get one?

To obtain your digital signature, you must purchase a certificate regulated by ICP-Brazil (Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure). With it, it is possible to prescribe medications, give certificates to patients who need to be absent from their activities, and sign official documents of various types. Here at Clicksign, we facilitate this entire process and you can purchase your digital signature in a much more practical way, with all the necessary certification. That way, you modernize your form of service without worrying about red tape. Digital prescriptions brought agility to doctors and patients. So, if you want to know how you can buy your medications with this option, we explain it to you!

Learn how to buy your medicines with a digital prescription

Patients who received a digital prescription for the first time may have questions about what they should do to buy their medicines. The only difference between this form and the traditional one is that, to maintain the security and authentication of these documents, you will need to enter the Electronic signature validator in digital health documents.This tool is available on the government website and only requires the patient to submit the file sent by the doctor, so that it is possible to identify the originality of the signature. With this step done, just contact the pharmacy of your choice to see the availability of the prescribed medicines. Did you already know about the digital prescription option? Tell us what you think of this solution that improves the quality of care and makes it more practical for professionals and patients. On the Clicksign blog you can find many content to optimize processes that will help your company, be sure to check it out!