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The trends involving law and technology for the future of the market

The trends involving law and technology for the future of the market

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The legal universe is fundamental for the good development of companies, that's a fact! Even more so with the enormous expansion of business in the internet space, which brings business, law, and technology ever closer and interdependent. Therefore, it is worth getting to know this relationship and the benefits for both parties more closely.

Law and new technologies

The legal sectors of companies are indispensable to guarantee a regulated and safe environment of activity for all parties. All the others technological revolutions influenced and were influenced by the legal sector, just imagine the difference that being able to print documents or make connections created between due diligence and communication between professionals in the field and their clients.

Thinking from this perspective, it is easy to see how our so-called fourth technological revolution further strengthened the ties between law and technology, creating an increasing set of opportunities to make the activities of legal professionals and all the sectors that depend on their activity increasingly dynamic.

Digital law

A digital transformation which moved the most diverse sectors of society to the internet brought with it the contradictions and mediation needs natural to any commercial and social environment, creating demands in the area of intellectual property, cybercrimes, compliance, digital security and advice on the networks.

Digital law is one of the youngest and fastest growing sectors in the legal universe, thanks to important implements, such as Marco Civil da Internet And the new LGPD, important guidelines for digital action guarantee regulations that facilitate the activity of companies and users in the online environment.

The future of law and technology

A discussion that surrounds all professional areas is the level of automation that each activity takes to make its professionals obsolete or accessory. Legal professionals have a low level of probability of being replaced.

On the contrary: the area of law has room to expand and make its services even more accessible to the growing demand of companies that are born native to digital environments and require legal advice to operate.

In the case of law, technologies are fundamental allies to optimize your service in technologies such as:

Lawtechs and govtechs

Lawtechs and govtechs refer to branches of automating legal services for legal entities and also digital government environments to reduce the bureaucratic factor in the activity of different types of professionals.

As Lawtechs encompass an enormous field of solutions that appear every day through the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

These resources help companies in different ways, either by offering an environment to organize notes and schedules, or by offering intelligence to review records and contracts for errors and inconsistencies, or are capable of creating documents in an automated manner based on the data provided.

A Jurimetry is able to handle enormous volumes of legal information in order to optimize legal activity and make verification work less and less redundant, freeing up professional time to focus on individualized and humanized service with their clients and sectors.

There are technologies capable of scanning the history of judges' decisions and determining the level of success of a process or learning the best way to organize business culture in compliance with compliance required for the company, creating guidelines for all sectors in a dynamic manner through scalable software, such as ERP systems.

Already the Govtechs they are mechanisms that facilitate the filing and follow-up of requests without forcing the parties to travel consuming precious hours of the day.

Remote activities

With the advent of the pandemic, more and more hearings are mediated remotely, which has presented a good satisfaction index in resolving conflicts, avoiding the paralysis and congestion of processes.

Video calling applications have become vital to create practical and well-structured audiences, and the possibility of communicating via messaging and video applications helps to maintain regular contact between the parties involved in the processes.

Remote work and lawtechs have considerably increased the possibility of digital companies operate in the most diverse regions of the country offering competitive prices and taking advantage of important growth and advisory opportunities for small and medium-sized companies.

Digital authentication systems and cloud organization

Despite the opportunity to Remote work, without the possibility of handling and authenticating documents online, the activity of many offices would still be seriously compromised due to the dependence on notary services.

Until a few years ago, it was common for offices to specialize in the demand for Due diligence in different parts of the country, which generated problematic costs and deadlines and many cases, but thanks to digital signature and authentication technologies, virtual documents gained the force of law and can be managed dynamically.

This technology is especially important for digital companies, which can now operate completely legally and fully digitally.

This possibility also greatly facilitated the organization of sectors and legal offices, which previously had to deal with a massive volume of papers that needed to be stored and cared for at the risk of invalidating processes — the cost and extra work were a problem.

Along with authentication and electronic signature solutions, there was a demand for technologies that would facilitate the digitization, storage and document management digitally, with security protocols and preserving their legal validity.

The solutions of cloud document storage they were the missing step to complete the transformation that intertwined law and technology so well, allowing remote and secure access by the parties to all parts of the processes, which reduced costs and increased the learning capacity of jurimetry technologies.

This set of solutions holds a promising future of scalability for legal action and business compliance in an increasingly integrated and automated manner so that parties can be increasingly concerned with creative solutions and intelligent mediation, democratizing companies' access to legal services.

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