Future of work: innovations for HR
The future of work undoubtedly involves the digitalization of HR. Increasingly, this area requires processes based on technology.
Thus, the constant transformation of careers and companies, automation of business contracts, learning, routine modification, flexible working hours and a more competitive labor market are trends that have already been taking place and must be consolidated going forward.
These transformations occur with greater speed, thanks to the rapid development of science and technology, as well as because of the drastic changes that the Covid-19 pandemic caused.
Social isolation showed that technology is something concrete, sustainable and indispensable for institutions, especially with the new perspective brought about by the virus. An example of this are the job interviews that today, especially after isolation, are conducted first via web conferencing and only in a second stage is the candidate invited to present himself before his future manager or the HR professional who is hiring. In fact, there is often no need to have a face-to-face interview. We have already reached a stage where all hiring can be done remotely, using technology.
Digital admission
A digital admission, it's not just about online interviews. It begins with the vacancy announcement itself, which is made on internet platforms, such as social networks, for example. After the interviews comes the entire documentation process. The employment contract is signed by means of electronic signature. The photo and other documents are scanned and sent via the internet. And the work book ceased to be that small paper notebook to become a digital document.
It is the technology present in several innovations to facilitate the daily life of HR. Even more so today, in 2020, when so many processes were hampered by the pandemic.
But let's see what changes in the labor market in the future.
Trends for the Future of Work
There are some trends in what the labor market will look like in the future. We have listed 8 of them here. Let's see what they are?
Increased competition
Physical, economic or mobility characteristics will be less and less important when hiring, as companies will choose the most prepared candidate for the vacancy. The selection will be made with technical criteria and based on the candidate's knowledge and experience. In this way, a professional from the Southern Region can be selected without any objections for a job in a company in the Northeast Region, since the work can be done remotely.
Another important point to highlight is the increasing use of robots and work automation systems. But this should not be seen as a competition for employees, but rather as a way to facilitate and streamline tasks that were previously exclusively operational and required a long time to execute.
An employee will not stay with the same company forever
Although the length of time an employee stays in the same company is still very welcome, this is a trend that is changing. The new generation of professionals comes to the market with the objective of working on the projects that satisfy them the most. Thus, if the work environment becomes tedious or inhospitable, it will be very difficult to retain the professional.
That way, companies will have to adapt and find new ways to attract and keep the best professionals in the market.
More studies in the future of work
More than ever, studies are one of the most important factors when it comes to finding a job and staying employed. Professionals must improve themselves more frequently by acquiring more knowledge. In this way, specific updates and dynamic and fast content refresher courses, carried out online or within the institution itself, will dictate learning in the future of work.
The growing technological renewal requires more constant updating of people, especially in the way in which the new digital tools are going to be used.
The office will be where the professional is
This topic of the future of work can now be seen and very well tested during the quarantine caused by the coronavirus. It has been proven that today's professional can work from wherever they are, maintaining their productivity and even reducing costs for the company. After all, it will no longer be necessary to pay for food and transportation for the employee; and water, electricity, and telephone for a huge office. Each professional works from home. Or rather, wherever you prefer. It could be a hotel, an airport, a restaurant, a coworking, in short, with technology and internet access it's much easier to be your own office.
Clicksign already had a remote work culture before the pandemic even started. With the quarantine, there were no difficulties in adapting to the new type of routine. The meetings are held via web conferencing, the communication is carried out through digital tools, the files are stored in the cloud and are available to the entire company. All of this shows that technology allows the future of work to be fully online.
Eight hours of daily work?
Flexibility is one of the key words for the future of work. There will be no more hours to enter or leave the office (if there will be an office, as we have already mentioned here), lower working hours and reduced hours will be fundamental factors for professionals to choose which company they will work for.
Thus, for Retain employees or be able to hire the best professionals in the market, the number of hours worked will be very valuable. Maybe even more than their own salary, since the professional of the future doesn't just want money. Today's workers increasingly value family and personal well-being, such as social work and quality of life.
Technology as an ally in the future of work
As already mentioned in this article, technology will, in a certain way, occupy a greater place in companies. This should be seen as an opportunity, since in order to operate the digital and technological tools specialized professionals will be needed.
A Kretos, responsible for a system that structures its recruitment and selection process through the union of “real” + artificial intelligence, is a good example of the synergy between the worker and automation. In this way, professionals who work in harmony with new technologies, thus achieving greater productivity and positive transformations, will be in evidence.
The much talked about globalization
If we are to analyze globalization historically, it happened a long time ago. But it's only in recent years that we have reached a stage where geographical boundaries, when it comes to jobs and businesses, are no longer an obstacle.
It is important for companies and professionals to know that new markets will emerge and commercial routes that were previously unfeasible will have access to products and services from different parts of the world. E-commerce is a trend that is growing more and more, with more practical and faster product delivery.
New professions
Some professions haven't even been created yet and are already undergoing considerable change. With scientific and technological progress, the profile of the professions that are still being developed promises to change a lot. Most children today, in the future, can work in jobs that don't yet exist. In other words, there is enormous potential, which opens up to new generations, to be able to create a better and more developed world.
This is the future of work. A time in which the current relations between HR and professionals will be profoundly changed. But what the trends say is that all of this will be for the better.
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