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Business Proposal: Learn how to prepare it the right way

Business Proposal: Learn how to prepare it the right way

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The commercial proposal is one of the crucial moments in any negotiation. After all, you formalize the conditions for hiring your service. Therefore, it is something that requires very high attention from companies. However, many of them have doubts about how to prepare proposals in an ideal way.

Let's assume that you've already done the primary job of qualifying your lead. In other words, you already know that this is the right customer for you and that you need to make a commercial proposal that they will accept.

To define the commercial proposal is quite simple. Basically, it is the document that formalizes the services that will be provided to the customer, in addition to the contracting conditions, such as payment, deadlines, visits, maintenance and any others that may be appropriate.

This definition already makes it clear that a good proposal must, at the very least, contain all this information in a very clear way. With this in hand, the buyer can assess more rationally whether they will close the purchase or not.

Like umDoes the proposal solve the customer's problem?

An important piece of information is how the commercial proposal solves the customer's problem. For example, if he needs the installation of certain equipment, your proposal may include the time it takes for this activity to be carried out, the characteristics of the new machines, and what they can add to productivity for the customer.

The important thing is to make it clear in the commercial proposal that the client was listened to throughout the negotiation. In this process, if the team did their job well, the buyer made it very clear what they need. The proposal is an opportunity to make this clear, clarifying that the customer has been heard and that you are prepared to serve them.

How to present the commercial proposal?

At the time of presenting the commercial proposal, it is necessary to worry about three key points.

The first is design. Despite being one of the biggest concerns, its weight is not as great as you might think. Of course, it's great to have an excellent design, as it helps make information easier to absorb. But of the three key points, it is the least important.

The content, on the other hand, is essential. Your presentation should have all the information the client needs to make a well-informed decision. As stated above, include all the basic information in the presentation, so that it is easy and quick to assimilate. It is important to combine with the previous point and use the visual resource to convey the information. And don't forget to have information to handle all your objections.

Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to time. A presentation that is too long can have a negative effect. Customer time is valuable, and you need to focus only on information that cannot be missing.

How to close deals?

After the presentation of the commercial proposal, there is a crucial concept for closing the sale, which is the follow up. Certain companies don't want to seem too “boring”, upsetting the customer. But it's interesting to take the next step.

After the presentation, set some dates. The customer hardly accepts it on time, so set a deadline. If he doesn't respond by then, it's interesting to get in touch to help you decide in your favor.

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