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5 trends for the market in 2024

5 trends for the market in 2024

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The year 2020 disrupted several paradigms in the world and consequently shaped new trends for 2021. In the pandemic scenario that the country is going through, not only consumer behavior, but also the corporate sector, were impacted (perhaps forever) in certain aspects. But how does this delimit the reality of the marketing sphere? Does the future really resemble the way the population is used to in every detail? What if there is a “before” and “after” of the pandemic in the world?

During the pandemic, numerous preventive measures were taken. Home Office became a daily reality and even essential services (such as private medical care itself) began to offer virtual consultations to the beneficiaries.

In this scenario, it is important to note that the Brazilian economy also suffered consequences whose effects will directly reverberate on consumers. In addition, what is the situation among Brazilian families? What are your impressions and what do you expect from the year 2021 for your financial ceiling? There is a difference in the priorities of each consumer and this will be addressed in the course of this article.

The biggest trends for 2024: Why them?

As a first analysis, there are the expectations of different companies for the year 2021. According to a exclusive research from the magazine “Estadão”, 38% of domestic companies expect to return to the office only after the first three months of the year.

Thus, leading corporations, such as oil giants and large banks, predict a year of greater technological solutions. Petrobrás, for example, stated that the Home Office routine will not end until March 31. The same is true with Itaú, which during an online lecture, certified that 55,000 of its employees would not return to their offices until February.

In this sense, some sectors claim a prior ease of adaptation to this work style. This happened because several segments were already trying the remote routine even before the pandemic. As a natural tendency, working from anywhere gained a much more suggestive character for the Brazilian economy.

1. Shopping trends for 2024

There are a number of cases that promise to gain more and more space in 2021. A clear example is the way of shopping! When consumers were approached with the new restriction laws at the expense of security, establishments reformulated their dynamics. Coupled with the fact that the pandemic is not over yet, it is necessary to idealize that it will be another year with a health crisis (except for the intervention of a vaccine).

In this format, assertive management is essential to sustain an economic plan. This is one of the main reasons that lead the market to continue with virtual purchases and delivery deliveries.

2. Trends for 2024 in remote work

Although expected by current conditions, there is the possibility of becoming a pattern for most companies. In this style, the reduction in expenses is remarkable and also competes with external competition (given that modernity and consumer preference are always a priority).

Countless tools enabled not only the Home Office, but also remote business. In this way, a seller, without leaving their home, makes a meeting with their customers via Zoom, or Google Meet; creates the contract via Clicksign Automation, which is signed by electronic signature; payments are made online by recurring payment fintechs; finally, the technology allows businesses to be done completely online.

3. Expansion of communicability

According to the Ibre survey surveys (Brazilian Institute of Economics of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation), 40% of companies from the most varied segments needed to invest in communication channels. To deal with the abrupt changes, it was necessary to reach customers through social channels, in a more relaxed and informal way. Thus, WhatsApp and social networks (such as Facebook and Instagram) took the lead in the main marketing investments of this year.

This is because people today are no longer used to waiting days, maybe weeks, for a company to respond to a question. Everything is very fast. The user experience is better the faster the response they expect. Because if the first company he sought does not do this, he turns to the second, and then to the third, if necessary.

4. The reduction of government bureaucratization

One of the most observed details in 2020 was the reformulation of governments to meet the needs of the population. Numerous procedures that once had to be solved in person (without real need), have now been replaced by virtual fields. These available platforms (such as Govtechs*) were positively received by the people, who claimed more flexibility and efficiency. It is to be expected that these actions will be normalized and that they will be increasingly effective and safe, in ombudsmen and government services.

5. Edtechs and Startups

Last but not least, technology-related teaching! It's not news that the current generation is increasingly attached to the internet and artificial intelligence. In the year 2020, schools and universities suspended face-to-face teaching, which created an oddity in their adaptation. Due to the conditions, many students were dependent on teaching platforms with automation suitable for their studies.

In this context, it is being a much more emphatic and personalized experience for each case. The education sectors are recognizing this process, which is gaining important notoriety for the development of the technological era. The emergence of technology companies The focus on education is increasing with each passing year.

Culture and the corporate world: how do we learn to work?

Also according to the Ibre survey, when asked about future expectations for the year 2021, 24% answered that they intend to continue partnering with technology. Managers in these areas, for the most part, see an advantage in self-service and review of previously traditional projects. Aiming at expanding their own business, the number of solutions that continue to use virtual tools in the following months is high.

These data are so significant because, despite the regrets, the 2020 Home Office complemented many experiences and administrative perspectives. According to the American article “The New Normal Is The Distributed Company” (or “The new normal is the distributed company”), the company culture dissolved in different places is promising due to a series of facts.

During the global quarantine, employees were able to get away from cities while having the flexibility to choose where their own office would be located. According to the article, large companies such as “Twitter”, “Apple”, “Google” or “Facebook” no longer prioritize face-to-face work. It also explains that this corporate format reflects the future, since it directly impacts the physical structure of the company.

From this perspective, they believe that it is more advantageous to invest in the result and not in the hours paid in an office. They enhance employee leadership, autonomy, and flexibility, motivating them to grow at the company's pace. The entire process reformulates internal projects and remote hiring, implies the reuse of office spaces and corporate policies and culture.

The article also alleges that the culture of being present in an office dates back to times when the boss's supervision only suggested control. This model doesn't really apply in the digital age that the world is going through.

“Vestiges of an absurd and irrational culture that simply transfer the workshop model of the Industrial Revolution, under the constant supervision of the foreman”.

Thus, it is natural that the changes of an old revolution should finally take place. The physical structure of companies will be reformulated, the relationship between man and the environment and culture itself. The “distributed company” implies not only remote work, but also remote businesses, new contracts, new networks and new partnerships. The flexibility and autonomy that Clicksign believes comes from the idealization of a world where practicality and simplicity are pioneers of evolution.

Thus, it is noticeable that the expectations for 2024 are always for virtual interaction, self-service, and virtual support. Communication networks, previously with only social purposes, become marketing solutions for purchases and dissemination. Consumers intend, for the duration of the pandemic, to prioritize essential services and continue using the tools available for purchases and service.

Among the possible tools, there are electronic signatures and different types of contracts electronic. All options contain secure and efficient authenticity, collaborating through a disruptive routine. Maybe this is a promising time to invest in technology in your business!

The Clicksign team hopes that the scenario was one of learning and adaptation, so that the future is all that was mentioned: flexible, authentic, and connected. May the trend be effective in this year of 2021; Take it! Continue to transcend all distances and make up for each loss that was left in 2020 in some way. May the trend be revolutionary!

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