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How to organize school files the right way

How to organize school files the right way

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Knowing how to organize school records correctly is the first step in cataloguing students' important and private information. Organizing school documents is, among other things, a way of preserving students' personal information and ensuring that it is effective information management — which, in turn, will guarantee a highly effective secretary.

On the other hand, organizing documentation for so many students is not an easy task, isn't it?! However, this structuring must take place and, more than that, it must occur correctly so that no information is corrupted or lost over time.

To help you, we have selected some Tips for an optimized and effective organization for school archives. After that, we also present an overview of the importance of digital storage and the use of electronic signatures.

How to organize the school file?

Cataloging school records goes beyond the interests of the students themselves, this organization is also important for the school and for government agencies. Legally, it is true to state that school data are in the public interest, while they must be protected by the state itself. Thus, the annihilation of students' history and school records is prohibited.

Given this, it becomes necessary to structure school documents correctly. But how to do that, anyway?

Thinking about improve processes from school secretaries, we, at Clicksign, propose to gather a series of tips to improve the functioning of schools. Also check out our publication with suggestions for optimize the school enrollment process in your enterprise, and make all these processes much more uncomplicated!


The following is a simple and practical step by step to organize the school file:

1. Categorize documents

The first step in organizing school archives is the categorization of documents. At this time, it's important to separate students' information into different categories, such as enrollment, diplomas, certificates, and so on. The essential thing is Classify the data, it doesn't matter in what way and what criteria will be used.

And why is that important?

The structuring of the documents allows them to be found more easily and that they are not lost over the years. Although it is not clear how long an institution must have these documents, it is of paramount importance that the school has the information requested by students and parents, and may be penalized by the courts as stated in law 8,159 of the year 2009.

2. Select the documentation in perennial or provisional

The selection of documents must separate the files between perennial and provisional. Temporary ones may have storage of 5 years, respecting the mandatory nature of the contract. Perennial files, on the other hand, must have a minimum storage of 50 years.

3. Digital storage

Technological advancement brought many advantages, especially with regard to automation of processes. The digital signature is an example of the use of technology in various school sectors. Enrollment or renewal, presentation of medical certificates and much more. Learn more at: 5 ways to use electronic signatures in schools.

Digital storage has become the best way to deposit school files. Thanks to it, a physical warehouse with piles of papers is no longer necessary, making digital storage an alternative more sustainable than the traditional one. In addition to sustainability, digital storage is also an option safer.

Digital signature, security and sustainability

The use of traditional signatures and storage for school files allows them to be lost due to issues beyond our control, such as fires or floods. Unfortunately, we are subject to numerous possibilities that interfere with our business.

This happened at a bilingual school in São Paulo that lost some files due to a flood in the region. According to one of the institution's partners, Luciana Leite, in Interview for the Small Business and Large Business Portal, the inclusion of electronic signatures for optimize processes, to have greater security and sustainability.

Knowing how to organize school files correctly is very important, especially since they are elementary personal documents that must be kept under lock and key. A great alternative is the use of online storage and digital signatures for greater protection of these files.

A bonus tip is to use not only electronic signatures, but also a school management system. It is basically a management and automation software for controlling various sectors of the school, such as:

  • Issuance of banknotes;
  • Monthly payments and receipt;
  • Grades, absences, tasks and tests;
  • Academic performance of each student.

These are some characteristics of the school management system. If you are interested in the subject, check out our publication that discusses electronic signature and school management as a guaranteed successful duo.

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