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Artificial intelligence and digital documents

Artificial intelligence and digital documents

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Technology is an indispensable tool for the most diverse routines, because with it it it is possible to quickly follow emerging trends, acquire new knowledge and even stand out in the market. But do you know what artificial intelligence in insurance has to do with this issue?The partnership between Clicksign and Segfy it will change the way you see the insurance market and some of its internal processes.

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In this article, we will tell you more about this topic and how you can optimize Your insurance broker's processes, modernizing document reading through A.I. Check it out below!

How does artificial intelligence work when reading documents

To begin with, the electronic signature is a way to sign documents online, without the use of pen or paper. Through algorithms, cryptography and other technological advances, a company or individual can provide a contract or other type of registration, by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, website. The platform itself stores and protects this document against fraud or tampering. In a few moments a contract is signed, no matter the time or place. It is only necessary that the parties have a device with internet access. It's all online, from checking the document to storing it. We can say that intelligent document reading is the ability that some computer systems have to recognize, verify, and extract important information from documents in a fast and automated way. Artificial intelligence (AI), in turn, recognizes through digital reading and analysis the information present in the documents, which may be the ID number, social security number, date of issue, address, name of the holder, and other data, both from official documents issued by public agencies, as well as insurance policies and the like. The revolution that this new technology brings is the optimization of time and more security in relation to the veracity of the information read. And even though it's something new and revolutionary, artificial intelligence in insurance is already part of Segfy's daily life. In addition, Clicksign also uses cutting-edge technology to validate its clients' documents with authentication points and a system shielded against unknown access. Read more at: Digital authentication — what you need to know about this technology This type of structure models a strictly encrypted platform and, in partnership with Clicksign, our clients' documents are now digitally signed with the best intelligence in the market.

Examples of authentications used

Nothing better than a few examples to help how these issues occur in practice, agree? Here, we list the authentications used in practice to ensure that your processes are secure:


The Token is an automatically generated 6-digit temporary code. It can be sent to the cell phone, via SMS or to e-mail. For this reason, it is important that the user of the electronic signature platform has the registration data of its signers very well updated. In the electronic signature, the Token works as follows. The user receives the document by e-mail. When you click subscribe, the 6-digit code will also be sent to the SMS or e-mail. The signer must enter this code in the requested field and confirm the signature. Soon. The document will be duly signed.


Selfie authentication works with the user checking this option on the subscription platform. At the time the document is being signed, the signer must upload a selfie with their official identification document.


This innovative and revolutionary tool, pioneered by Clicksign, allows the signer to make a transaction in the symbolic amount of one cent (0.01) and, within seconds, to have the document authenticated according to information from the Central Bank. It is so attractive because it validates the data with a solidly reliable and regulated body, which is the Central Bank of Brazil. It is important that the account belongs to the signer himself, linked to his social security number, as it will be an individual step of authenticating his own signature. Do you want to better understand how it works? Check out the text: The use and importance of Pix in authentications

Digital Certificate

A signature with digital certificate allows the signer to sign the document electronically with their digital certificate, which must be installed on the computer, in token or smart card. When choosing to sign with a digital certificate, the operator will have to enter the signer's social security number. To sign, the signer will not use the token via email, only the digital certificate, which will be mandatory to complete the signature. Thus, this functionality makes the document even more secure, since it more authentically proves the identity of the signer and allows for new signature opportunities.

Facial Recognition

By recording frames that capture different gestures, it is possible to confirm the existence of a real person on the other side of the camera. This authentication is optional for the sender but, once chosen by the sender, it becomes mandatory for those who sign the document. To validate the signature with this functionality, the signer will need to perform a series of facial expressions, such as bringing their face closer (or distancing), smiling, or raising their eyebrows. Once it is recognized and the proof of life is verified, your document will be ready and duly signed. It is a strong and important option, as it compares the face on the camera with the photo in the official document. It reduces fraud and is a modern intelligent way to guarantee the preservation and legal validity of your procedures.

Official Document

The official document, or simply RG, can be requested both sides to validate the document's signature. If the operator requests the capture of a photo of an Official Document, it will be mandatory to send it by the signer to finalize the signature. With the photo of the official document, even more evidence of the identity of the signer is added, which increases the legal validity of the electronic signature.

Handwritten Signature

The handwritten signature, in turn, is yet another optional authentication for those who will sign. The sender himself determines whether that signer will go through this stage. It is a good option for those who file documents with public agencies, the Real Estate Market and Insurance Companies, for example. In addition, this function makes it possible to digitally validate the physical signature design and, therefore, has greater adherence in traditional markets!

How to use artificial intelligence?

Imagine no longer having to fill in policy information manually. Did you imagine? Well, that's exactly what Segfy offers, launching the first management system for insurance brokers with document reading using artificial intelligence. Cool, isn't it? Currently, more than 20 different documents can be accurately imported for the system, in addition to several others that are introduced by conventional mechanisms and are being migrated to A.I. as the format is modified by insurance companies. When a new policy model or an update to the standard appears, for example, artificial intelligence identifies the change and continues to read it. In the event of a significant change in the document layout (e.g., the broker's name changed from the first to the last page), the A.I. can identify that the data is no longer in the expected location and sends information about the divergence to the Segfy developer. Thus, insurance brokers are increasingly free from the obligation to fill in their clients' registration information manually, dedicating their time to what matters most: the growth of their business. This is another feature that can even be found on Clicksign: Automation reduces the margin of errors committed in tasks previously done manually; it also rationalizes your company's time, as well as opens space for healthier and more rhythmic productivity.

New technologies for insurance brokers

Trabalhadores do setor de seguro trabalhando juntos em computadores

Stephen Hawking said:”every aspect of our lives will be transformed [by AI], and this could be the greatest event in the history of our civilization” .We already know that new technologies keep arriving and it's difficult to adapt to all of them at the same time. With that in mind, an important tip for choosing which one will meet your needs is focus on the problem to be solved, what you need to do to improve your company's productivity and boost your sales. In addition to artificial intelligence in insurance, you may have also heard of electronic signatures, which uncomplicated the formality of signing contracts and documents. Since it appeared, you can sign documents via WhatsApp, emails or SMS, which reduces time and brings more convenience to your team and your clients, who no longer need to schedule a time and place to sign contracts. Opportunities are available to everyone. So, you need to be open to the new and seek to constantly adapt to the improvements that technology provides.;) Take the first step in the digital transformation of your brokerage firm using artificial intelligence in insurance + electronic signature for contracts and policies. Check here the partnership that Segfy has with Clicksign and get ready to achieve even better results!