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Booming Consulting Market: How to Use Technology to Your Advantage?

Booming Consulting Market: How to Use Technology to Your Advantage?

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The consulting market in Brazil is gaining attention for its Great moment of expansion. According to the latest research by the Consulting Laboratory, one of the main bodies linked to the Brazilian Consultants Association (ABCO), the growth projection for companies in the sector for 2021 was 14%, a number much higher than the value of our GDP, which was 4.5%.

Brazil currently has more than 136,000 business and IT consulting firms, where more than half of this number are represented by microenterprises. It is estimated that, by 2025, this market will grow by more than 50% in the national territory alone, according to various researches (Robert Half, World Economic Forum, European Commission).

Source: Sebrae/SC Business Observatory, 2021.

To ensure that the segment continues to expand, in an increasingly competitive market, innovation proves to be the right path to follow. In this article, we will explore the opportunities of this market growth and show how innovation can be a great ally for entrepreneurs.

Consulting firms on the rise: growing more than the Brazilian GDP

Constantly accelerating since 2011, the global segment also felt the impact of the pandemic on its results. According to Consultancy and Source Global Research, the sector generated around $160 billion worldwide in 2019. But with the arrival of Covid-19 in 2020, a decline of 19% is estimated, falling in value to $132 billion.

With the resumption of activities, the national consulting market gained steam again and registered an expectation of expansion that attracted attention:

2021 - Growth projection of 14%, almost triple the national GDP, which registered 4.5%

Source: Consulting Laboratory

This above average growth is attributed to entrepreneurial vocation of the country. According to the same survey, 76.7% of new hires will be from the private sector, registering the highest rate of service companies, which corresponds to an increase of 74%.

The strength of Brazilian entrepreneurship in the post-pandemic period is also worth highlighting. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021 report shows that part of the new businesses opened in recent years were able to survive the health crisis, resulting in a Increase in Established Entrepreneurs, which was 8.7% of the adult population in 2020, for 9.9% in 2021.

This growth made Brazil skyrocket and Move up 6 places in the world ranking of Established Entrepreneurs, jumping from 13th to 7th place and getting ahead of countries like Canada, United States and Norway.

Source: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021

These numbers reflect a current Brazilian reality: the dream of having your own business. According to the survey, 46% of the population wants to be their own bosses, while 32% want to make a career in a company. The motivations that awaken this interest in entrepreneurship are many, but the will to Make a difference in the world stands out in the first place.

Digital transformation as an ally of the expansion of Consultancy Firms

With social distancing, Process of digitization of documents In Brazil it was accelerated, resulting in increased demand for digital transformation and led several segments to abandon or reduce physical paperwork. Around 45.7% of Brazilian companies are already investing in this process, 30.5% are in the development phase and 1.9% still have no plans to face this change, according to an MIT Technology Review study in 2021.

“In the industrial and commercial sectors where there was still resistance to the entry of this technology, there was a behavioral rupture and these companies realized how electronic and/or digital signatures are legally valid and can expedite daily work.” 

Michael Bernstein, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Clicksign

In the consulting world, this reflected in how businesses dealt with their processes that, before, were always based on the offline world. The result? More than 30% of Brazilian consulting firms bet on innovation and 20% of them say they succeeded optimize your decision-making process.

Source: Statista

The largest players have been investing heavily in digitalization for some years, but the great challenge is being faced by independent consultants and small consulting firms, which number more than 83% of the domestic market. Therefore, increase your repertoire of innovative tools and solutions it is so important to be able to integrate into this new environment and obtain positive results in your work routine.

Currently, there are several platforms that can help you digitize your company, with options for different segments and for each entrepreneurial need.

Os service systems they can make your team's daily lives easier, integrating customer contact channels, triggering automatic messages and notifying you about the deadline for resolving calls. Management software use technology to give you a more general view of the company, gathering demands, data and helping you to view more accurate reports, with monthly comparisons. With marketing tools, you'll be able to shoot emails, manage blogs, and even create landing pages, which will make it easier to follow up with leads as they move along the sales funnel.

And when we talk about Management, warehousing, rearing and sending documents, the best choice for the consulting market in Brazil is clear. Clicksign may be the ideal solution to leverage the growth of your consulting firm. Our tools make it possible to close new deals in a way practise, holds And with legal validity.

So, if you want to know more about how Online Document Signing it can revolutionize your processes, click here and talk to an expert.