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How to manage PD remotely?

How to manage PD remotely?

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HR and personnel department professionals have always been essential within organizations, after all, attracting, retaining and admitting employees, mediating the interests of the company and employees, distributing payroll and having a strategic and humanized view of these and other routines is no easy task.

And faced with the scenario of Coronavirus pandemic a new challenge still emerges for these professionals: managing employees remotely, that is, in the home office.

In this article, understand how Convenia HR software can help you manage your team online throughout your journey. Follow up!

Manage HR and PD people and processes remotely

Check below how you can automate your HR and personnel department routines and control your employees' data in one place, wherever you are.

Digital admission

In a completely online process, in digital admission the employee registers their personal data and delivers the digitized documents according to the company's admission model. At this stage, the signature of the employment contract is collected, which can also be made electronically, with legal validity. To facilitate this process, Convenia entered into a partnership with a leading electronic signature company in Brazil: Clicksign. That way, you can purchase a module that includes electronic document signature at a discount, just contact our sales representative and understand how it works.

Online employee data management

Keeping all employees' registration information stored in digital format, such as personal documents, signed contracts, promotion history, PPE control, dependent information in a cloud directory, in addition to allowing freedom of access from any location, also allows data to be changed in a simple, fast and at any time;

Team vacation management

O Vacation control of the team, the history of requests, concessions and whether the company granted collective vacations, everything is available in a single panel. To avoid fines and double vacation payments, the software controls vacation records as of the employee's admission date and notifies managers about vacations due soon;

Online payroll distribution

Through Convenia, you make this distribution using our automatic system, which, at the same time you send the payroll to each employee's e-mail, also stores it in the employee's area. This functionality saves time, paper and allows the online delivery of an important document;

Communication wall

To facilitate remote communication between HR and employees, whether with reminders, new labor guidelines, birthdays of the month, or any other communication can be made directly through our HR software;

Termination of employees

If, for any reason, the company needs to disconnect the employee, the software facilitates this process. The PD professional requests disconnection from the platform, checks the termination checklist, always aware of the deadlines and documentation, and automatically sends all necessary information to the registered accountant. And even after the shutdown, the employee's history is kept in the system.

In addition to these functionalities, you can also manage corporate benefits and beneficiaries online, make the point mirror available for the employee to check and extract management reports that are essential for decision-making.

With all these features of Convenia and Clicksign, there is no doubt that it is possible to manage PD remotely, but for this, HR must be equipped with digital solutions that allow the management, analysis and monitoring of its teams closely, even when they are at a distance.

This content was originally developed by the team at Convenia, an HRTech that develops online solutions so that companies can optimize time and cost. Currently, the solutions cover payroll, digital admission, benefits management and personnel department, where you can manage your entire team in a cloud system.