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The benefits of a PJ account for your business

The benefits of a PJ account for your business

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Since the MEI (Individual Micro Entrepreneur) was established, there has been an explosion in the number of companies created and many of them saw the need to have a PJ account. After all, that was the way that many people found to get out of informality and have their rights guaranteed.

One of those rights is to have a bank account in the name of the company. And believe me, customers and suppliers always ask for the company's bank details. Hence the importance of an account in the name of the Legal Entity.

Still, many entrepreneurs use their personal account to carry out business transactions. This is because there are still many doubts about how the legal account works and what its benefits are. Therefore, we prepared this content to clarify the matter, follow up!

What is the PJ account?

The PJ account is intended exclusively for companies. All transactions made through this account must be linked to the business and it can only be handled by individuals who have authorization to do so.

Thus, service offers and rates are created based on the companies' needs, so that they serve their audience in the best way. It differs, therefore, from individual accounts.

Thus, when opening a company, it is important to understand what a PJ account is and its business benefits. So let's go to them.


The first advantage that a PJ account provides to the entrepreneur is credibility. Because the way your customers see your business is what will dictate its success. Thus, if there is no diversity in the payment methods or if the customer discovers that the deposits, transfers, or credit card payments are made to an individual account, the credibility of their business will be strongly affected.

Better financial control With the PJ account

With a PJ account, it's easier to separate personal expenses from those that belong to the company. This allows greater financial control, with the monitoring of capital inflows and outflows distinct from other transactions.

Online transactions

It seems that with each passing day it becomes more difficult to go to the bank to carry out financial transactions. For this reason, there is the option of 100% digital PJ accounts, such as the Linker one, which allows all procedures to be carried out online, with convenience and security.

Customer billing

Through a PJ account, it is easier to charge customers. Many institutions allow the issuance of bank slips to be sent to consumers. There are also many card machine options that can be linked to a PJ account.

Specific benefits From the PJ account

Apart from these mentioned benefits, you may have other advantages depending on the institution responsible for your PJ account. Some very common are partnerships for discounts, cell phone recharges, and debit cards to collaborate in the most routine transactions.