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The 5 best apps for entrepreneurs - Make your routine easier!

The 5 best apps for entrepreneurs - Make your routine easier!

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The different apps for entrepreneurs are the result of technological business advances that came to optimize and boost the lives of entrepreneurs around the world. We must agree that managing all the processes of a business is a very complicated task, isn't it?!

Therefore, knowing and using tools, platforms, and applications that facilitate these activities is essential to account for all stages of your business in the correct manner. To help you, we have separated the five best apps for entrepreneurs that will simplify - a lot - your life!

Google Workspace — Multifunctional cloud platform

Google Workspace is perhaps the best-known tool on the list, both for business owners and for anyone who needs to store content in the cloud. This app is a multifunctional alternative free developed by the largest online search engine. Among the features of Google Drive for entrepreneurs, we can highlight the main ones, such as Google Forms, Docs, Agenda, Sheets, Keep and Analytics.

Each of them has its own purposes and benefits for those who need to manage a business. In general, we can say that all Google tools serve some purpose within an enterprise. The key is to know how to include them in your routine.

O Google My Business deserves special mention when it comes to apps for entrepreneurs who are on the internet. With it, it is possible to improve the local SEO of your company, in the same way that it improves the relationship with your customers based on publications on Google+.

Google Drive cloud storage is increasingly important — if not essential — for today's business. Find out more about it in our publication about concept and benefits of cloud computing.

Trello — Collaborative Management in Kanban

Trello is another application for entrepreneurs that is widely used in companies today, along with Basecamp. Both work as collaborative organizers of functions within a business sector. The main objectives are to distribute functions, set goals, complete activities within the stipulated deadline, and contextualize all necessary collaborators about each task.

The “cards” model provides a intuitive view that facilitates organization even for those who are not spontaneously organized. More than that, Trello is also an important tool for sharing ideas and ordering processes - there, it is possible to be clear about how, with whom, and at what stage the task is.

It is, therefore, a agility methodology for your business. In fact, we've already done a post about the main types of methodologies for optimizing companies. Check it out!

Buffer — Social media monitoring

Buffer is an application for companies that use social networks as a work tool, which is currently the majority of enterprises. The application allows you to check the performance of your company on the indicated social network and to prepare promotional campaigns. It is also possible to respond to comments quickly and optimally.

Communication with your customers is an important process that should not be ignored. With it, it is possible to diagnose and know where your company is in the labor market - what is good, what deserves more attention, and what is not pleasing consumers.

Forest — Help for those who need more focus

The Forest app is an important ally for entrepreneurs seeking to increase their team's productivity. The purpose of the tool is unique and simple: help the user to stay focused on the activity in which they are operating.

Do you want to know more tools of increased productivity business?! See our post with the best apps for optimizing business performance.

In a creative and stimulating way, the Forest app helps to ensure that on-call procrastinators don't get lost in their functions, staying on their cell phones all the time. The longer you spend away from your cell phone, the more you will “win” in the game established by Forest. This is a fun way to manage your time and achieve the objective of the game.

Clicksign — Uncomplicated document signing

Within this context, we cannot fail to mention Clicksign as an important tool for entrepreneurs. Transforming everything digital, Clicksign's functionalities bring agility to business processes in different ways, such as electronic signatures that facilitate all the bureaucratic processes of an enterprise.

To learn more about the advantages of electronic signatures, be sure to check out our publication with information about all the benefits of electronic signatures and the market sectors indicated for this alternative.

Definitely know how to run a business It's not a simple responsibility. It is necessary to have organization and wisdom to manage people and processes. Fortunately, we can count on a wide list of tools that have come to add up to the optimization of a company's activities.

Google Workspace, Trello, Buffer, Forest, and Clicksign are some of the main tools for entrepreneurs. Consider inserting them into your routine, develop your company exponentially and guarantee the best results.

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