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3 Tools that can only be used with a link

3 Tools that can only be used with a link

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The moment that Brazil and the world are going through is unique. A virus has taken over our lives, but we have to remain hopeful. Our doctors and scientists are working hard and it is necessary for us to do our part, take care of hygiene and follow the recommendations of the authorities.

You have to stay active. For that, it's time for companies to reinvent themselves. More than ever, technology is the bet for those who want to find innovative and low-cost ways to survive and even lead in their sector.

Don't be worried! Innovations happen all the time

Cutting-edge tools, which meet the needs of the current market, are being produced at all times, focused on reducing bureaucracy and the cost of operations in companies.

A true revolution is taking place in the market. Startups from different segments are emerging and implementing new systems and new ways of doing business. With just one link, tools that make the difference when it comes to conquering the customer and can be accessed and controlled remotely. In addition, in this current situation of social isolation, even from home, it is possible to keep the company running.

A powerful calendar

Calendly is ideal for people who need to schedule appointments but don't have time to exchange a multitude of emails with the entire team. One of the main advantages is that this tool can be integrated with the main online schedules on the market today, such as those of Google, Office 365 and iCloud. To use it is very simple. Just create your rules, such as preference and availability, send the link to the team, and schedule. Soon, the meeting will be included in your agenda.

A tool that makes payment through a link

Have you ever imagined a payment method where the customer doesn't even have to touch their wallet?

Well, this solution exists and is especially useful in the current scenario. This is the Payment Link Vindi. Through a very intuitive platform, in a few steps you can make your charge, even if this purchase is separate, in installments or recurring. The payment link is generated and you can send it to your customer via email, Facebook, Instagram, or Whatsapp.

It is a much more practical, simple and accessible payment method for everyone. And as you who are an entrepreneur or work in sales know, making life easier for consumers is one of the main reasons why they buy.

A tool that simplifies the way contracts are made

Just as facilitating sales through new technologies is important, you who work with contracts also know that simplifying the way in which they are made is essential to be able to close a deal.

For this reason, there is Clicksign Automation, a management and automation tool for contracts. It brings convenience in the way you create, sign, and store your documents.

It all starts with a form that you send to your client. He completes it and then the contract is generated and sent via a link to him via e-mail, SMS or WhatsApp. The signature is made electronically and the document is stored on the platform.

No paper, pen, or physical contact. All online and with legal validity.

Whether paying through a link or signing a contract electronically, the best alternatives for companies in today's market are technology. There are many solutions that are already available today. Look for the best one for your business and believe me, together - even if from a distance - we will all get out of this well.