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Hybrid work: what it is, what are the advantages and why consider this work model

Hybrid work: what it is, what are the advantages and why consider this work model

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Hybrid work has emerged as one of the most significant trends in the corporate world. Driven by technological transformations and the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic, this model represents a fundamental change in the way organizations conceive of the workplace.

In this context, it is worth exploring the implications, benefits, and challenges associated with hybrid work, as well as its impact on organizational dynamics and the quality of life of professionals.

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What is hybrid work?

Hybrid work is a model that combines elements of face-to-face work in the office with the flexibility to perform functions remotely, generally from home or other locations outside the company's physical facilities.

In this format, employees have the freedom to balance their professional and personal responsibilities, deciding when and where to perform their tasks, as long as they meet the established goals and deadlines.

In practice, hybrid work varies from company to company, also changing from sector to sector. In general, there is no difference between services performed at home and those done in person, but in some cases, companies identify some in-person activities that cannot be done remotely.

Hybrid work can also be used as an activity control practice, so that management understands more closely the tasks being carried out by the team and allowing an exchange of information in person.

How did hybrid work come about?

Hybrid work is a response to changing employee expectations and the evolution of communication technologies, allowing companies to offer greater flexibility without compromising productivity and collaboration.

Thus, although it does not have a specific and dated origin, some key trends and events have contributed to the development of hybrid work, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced many organizations to adopt remote work as a security measure. This accelerated the adoption of hybrid work and led many companies to rethink their work policies and IT infrastructure.

With the gradual return of services, some companies understood the advantages of keeping their employees at home and adopted this model as fixed or even alternating between face-to-face and remote services.

However, some pioneering companies began experimenting with hybrid work models long before the pandemic, recognizing the benefits of flexibility for productivity and employee satisfaction.

After all, globalization and the expansion of the internet led companies to seek more geographically distributed work teams, which required the coordination of collaborators in different time zones and locations.

What are the differences between hybrid work, in-person work, and remote work?

Today, organizations have several options available when it comes to the location and nature of the work, and three main models stand out: face-to-face, remote, and hybrid work. Each of these models has unique characteristics that affect the way professionals perform their functions, interaction with colleagues and supervisors, flexibility, and organizational structure.

We will understand more about each one below.

Face-to-face work

In-person work takes place on company premises, generally in a designated office, where employees share a workspace with colleagues. In this model, employees must normally follow a specific work schedule and be physically present throughout this period.

Face-to-face work follows the traditional office work structure, with established hierarchies and processes, and communication and collaboration occur primarily in person, facilitating direct contact with colleagues and supervisors.

Remote work

When working remotely, employees have the flexibility to choose where to perform their functions: at home, cafes, work spaces coworking, or any place with internet access.

In this model, it is possible for employees to have more freedom to define their own schedules, as long as they meet their goals and deadlines. However, some companies choose to follow a specific work schedule, and it is up to the organization to monitor compliance with that schedule by employees.

In remote work, communication is predominantly online, relying on daily reports, online tools, resolution of objectives, goals, and other methods such as videoconferencing and remote collaboration tools to maintain assertiveness, without gaps between the activities carried out.

Remote work is often less hierarchical and formal, with a greater focus on autonomy and individual responsibility.

Hybrid work

Hybrid work combines elements of face-to-face work and remote work, allowing employees to switch between the two models.

Here, employees can work in the office on some days and remotely on others, depending on company policies and job needs.

Because it is a mix of in-person and remote, hybrid work may or may not offer flexibility in scheduling, with fixed office hours and more flexible hours when working remotely.

Communication can also vary, with in-person interactions when in the office and virtual communications when working remotely.

What advantages do companies have when adopting the hybrid work model?

Hybrid work has gained prominence as an approach that seeks to optimize work efficiency, while promoting a healthy balance between professional and personal life. Check out other advantages of adopting this model:

Greater adaptation to external events

Hybrid work allows companies to be more flexible and adapt to different situations, such as economic changes, public health emergencies, and employee needs. This enables an agile response to unforeseen challenges.

Attracting talent

Offering a hybrid work model can be a competitive differentiator in attracting talent. After all, many professionals value flexibility at work and are looking for employers that offer this option.

Reduction of operating costs

With fewer employees in the full-time office, companies can save on expenses such as physical space, energy, water, and other costs associated with on-site operations.

Increased productivity

Hybrid work can Increase productivity, allowing employees to choose the most suitable environments for specific tasks. Additionally, reducing the time spent on commutes may result in more effective working time.

Improves employee satisfaction

Employees who have the flexibility to work in a hybrid way often report higher levels of job satisfaction, which can lead to greater talent retention.

Expansion of access and inclusion

Hybrid work makes it possible to hire talent from different geographical regions, allowing companies to access a wide range of skills and experiences. In addition, this model can make it easier for people with different needs and life circumstances to participate in the workforce, promoting diversity and inclusion.

What advantages do employees have when adopting the hybrid work model?

As we've seen, hybrid work allows employees to have flexibility to choose where and when to perform their tasks. With more autonomy in relation to the management of their time and work methods, employees tend to increase motivation and satisfaction when performing their work.

With the flexibility of hybrid work, employees also have the opportunity to dedicate more time to family, leisure, and personal activities, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

In the same way, the reduction of stress related to travel and the possibility of adjusting the work environment to be more comfortable can contribute to better mental health and well-being.

Tips for boosting hybrid work results

The truth is that hybrid work is here to stay and, therefore, it is important to understand the best strategies for this work model, so that the results are enhanced. Here are some tips for your company to achieve the best performance in hybrid work:

  1. appoint a responsible person to oversee the activities carried out: analyses must be carried out based on established strategies;
  2. Have an alignment between employees: these must be within the company's objectives and goals, in addition to what is expected of it in the face of this work model;
  3. support your collaborator: together with communication about internal processes, find out if the employee is adapting to the adopted model or not;
  4. offer the necessary equipment: this is a basic stage for the employee to be able to deliver the best performance;
  5. focus on innovating and automating processes: important stage for companies that wish to increase the performance of activities and enhance results.

When thinking about hybrid work, it is also important to think about tools that will facilitate daily life and company processes. This is the case of electronic signatures and the solutions offered by Clicksign.

Through in-person subscription, for example, Clicksign combines the convenience of an electronic signature and the security of a face-to-face signature in a hybrid experience, allowing the entire process to be carried out in the best way both for those who sign the document and for those who operate/send it.

Now, when we think about automating processes, a good example is to replace manual document processes with an electronic signature and document management solution, such as Clicksign Automation. This tool allows essential data and information for company contracts to be filled out automatically via a smart form, so that the creation and submission of these documents becomes fully automated.

Learn more about the solution:


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