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Clicksign launches 1st Electronic Signature and Contract Management Market Research

Clicksign launches 1st Electronic Signature and Contract Management Market Research

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Did you know that 92.3% of companies believe that electronic signatures increase the conversion of document signatures? This is just one of insights Presents at 1st Electronic Signature and Contract Management Market Research, prepared by Clicksign to understand the impacts of using electronic signatures on more than 100 Brazilian companies.

The analysis was administered during the month of April 2023 and includes exclusive data provided by presidents, CEOs, directors, analysts, managers and coordinators of organizations from the most diverse segments, spread across the five regions of Brazil.

To build the survey, Clicksign's internal client base was consulted, who pointed out that signing and managing documents online has become a differential for your business.

Check it out!

It's time to sign digitally

Nowadays, we are witnessing a remarkable transformation in the way we handle bureaucratic processes. The rise of electronic signatures offered welcome relief to those who once faced the slowness of conventional subscriptions.

After all, the ability to sign documents digitally, regardless of geographical location, not only streamlines processes, but also enhances security through advanced authentication methods.

This paradigm shift reflects an era in which technology not only simplifies tasks, but also brings a level of efficiency that previously seemed unattainable.

By embracing this transformation, individuals and companies were able to focus on more strategic activities, leaving behind the obstacles of the past and adopting the fluidity and convenience that Clicksign's electronic signature solutions provide.

And that's why 63.5% of our interviewees said goodbye to the hassles of signing with pen and paper.

Gráfico com pergunta: "a sua empresa ainda utiliza papel para assinatura de documentos?". 63,5% das respostas são "não".
Data from Clicksign's 1st Electronic Signature and Contract Management Market Survey show that 63.5% of the companies interviewed no longer use paper to sign documents.

Is it possible to increase the conversion of contracts using electronic signatures?

The answer is yes! As our research shows, 9 out of 10 companies saw an increase in contract conversion when using Clicksign's digital signature.

92,3% dos entrevistados acreditam que a assinatura eletrônica aumentou a conversão na assinatura dos seus documentos
According to the survey, 92.3% of the interviewees believe that the electronic signature increased the conversion into the signature of their documents.

That's because, by eliminating the need to send physical contracts, wait for manual signatures, and deal with shipping delays, the electronic signature creates a direct line for concluding agreements.

The instant and remote nature of electronic signatures has been especially beneficial in industries that rely on quick responses and agile decisions. Not only does this save time, but it also allows stakeholders to act more effectively and make informed decisions without the obstacles of traditional subscriptions.

With electronic signatures as a catalyst, the conversion of signed contracts is optimized, leading to a more fluid, efficient and profitable process for all parties involved.

Additionally, implementing reminder features on the Clicksign platform helps keep contracts on the radar of the parties involved, further increasing the likelihood of successful conversion.

Modernizing processes is necessary

Digitalization is the turning point for businesses to rise to a new level, allowing companies to maximize the use of their resources and direct their efforts to activities that add significant value.

According to our research, 8 out of 10 companies noticed more agility and efficiency in their processes when using Clicksign's electronic signature solutions.

Gráfico mostra resposta da pergunta "você acredita que a sua emprsa modernizou o processo comercial após contar com os serviços da Clicksign?". 79,8% dos entrevistados responderam que sim, os processos ficaram mais ágeis e eficientes.
79.8% of companies say that their processes became more agile and efficient with the use of electronic signatures.

It's an exciting time for business, filled with possibilities for those who are willing to proactively embrace digital transformation. Why not use electronic signatures to go further?

Why invest in signing documents online?

As we have noticed, investing in the use of electronic signatures is a strategic choice for business processes. After all, the transition to electronic signatures not only simplifies red tape, but also offers a number of practical and economic advantages.

However, it is essential to select a reliable electronic signature platform that not only streamlines document flows but also safeguards the company's and its clients' sensitive data.

As the only Brazilian company in the electronic signature market with ISO 27001 Certification, the Clicksign ensures the highest Information Security standards.

But that's just one of the many reasons companies trust Clicksign with their documents. Check it out:

Gráfico mostra série de motivos para contratar a Clicksign, listados pelas empresas entrevistadas: velocidade para formalizar contratos, menos burocracia na assinatura, validade jurídica, agilidade na rotina, proteção de dados, redução de custos.
The various benefits of electronic signatures combined with the convenience and security of the Clicksign platform are the reasons for hiring the company's solutions.

Download the full survey and check out more insights about the impacts of electronic signatures on business processes.

Do you want to understand how Clicksign's electronic signature solutions can make a difference in your company's processes? Try it free for 14 days!