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What is Telecom? Understand the telecommunication sector

What is Telecom? Understand the telecommunication sector

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Social networks, smartphones, television... Telecommunication is one of the sectors that drives the country - and the world! — and is constantly bringing innovations and facilitating the population's access to new data. Although it is also related to people's daily lives, this area has a direct impact on the functioning of companies of all types.

Learn more about what Telecom is with this complete content that we at Clicksign have prepared for you. We will talk about how this sector appeared, how it modernized and the main trends involving companies!

Also check out our post about Industry 5.0 and the ways of entrepreneurship to stay on top of issues involving business modernization!

After all, what is Telecom?

Telecom is the acronym for telecommunications, a way of explaining the group of electronic means that are used to transmit information over a distance. This term refers to those technologies that we use to communicate with another person or with a group.Some examples of telecommunication devices are televisions, radios, telephones, and even satellites. And, of course, we must not forget the cell phones and the internet network, which, nowadays, are as present as the air we breathe! Even so, it is known that staticity is not part of the Telecom concept and that, clearly, in a few years we will have new inventions that will change our daily lives again. When we stop to think about the importance of telecommunications for our lives, we realized the reason why this sector is so valued and has such a stratospheric growth potential. In the past, the population used technological devices to listen to another person - whether on a call or even on the TV - but today these technologies are our way of transmitting thousands of data On a daily basis. Learn more about how this evolution of devices occurred and also of relevance to this sector.

A brief history of the telecommunication sector

Humanity has always sought to communicate, but this task had a challenge: it was only possible to speak to someone if you were in the same time and space as them. After writing, there were letters, books, and even the printed newspaper that facilitated the transmission of information from one to many. However, it was only after the Industrial Revolution that there were the resources for communication to be carried out over long distances and quickly. First, we had the Morse Code in 1857, which can be considered a primitive form of Telecom, but The great milestone that began this era of data exchange was the telephone, invented in 1876 and became a household item in 1940. Since then, there have been countless advances, such as radio and television, the first cell phones and other technologies developed until we reached the worldwide Internet and smartphones as we have today. Each of these devices contributed to society, facilitating news and private messages, and offering a new way for institutions to organize themselves.

Telecommunications has ceased to be a service focused solely on allowing people to talk. Currently, these technologies are providers of news or entertainment content, they are ways of studying and transmitters of files of different formats.

This brief history is enough to explain that telecommunications are everywhere, isn't it? Understand the real importance of this sector for the world.

What is the importance of telecommunications?

Imagine that you want to give an instruction to your branch in another state, passing on a new form of work that considerably impacts the profit of the operation. Think about how many days you would have to wait if this information were transmitted by means of a letter to the person responsible... Terrible to have to wait so long, don't you think? This is a wait that is no longer necessary precisely because of the existence of Telecom services! Check out some of the main sectors it impacts every day:

  • personal life: calls, video calls, messages and social networks are just some of the consequences of telecommunications that are present daily in the lives of a large part of the population. They allow people from different locations to contact each other;
  • governmental: to maintain state organization, it is necessary to transmit a series of information that can be transmitted safely and quickly using Telecom technologies;
  • industry and commerce: optimizes data transfer, faster decision-making, negotiations in new locations, access to more audiences and new suppliers, and much more;
  • social integration: there is some information that is of public interest, such as catastrophes, news, health issues, and all of this is facilitated by electronic communication devices that promote the spread of these events.

We could unfold each of these items into countless topics that communication technology and automations have improved our daily lives, but we will focus only on the business aspect of these devices. The importance of Telecom for business lies in the fact that these tools help brands meet public expectations regarding speed, ease, and access. With such a busy market, managers who do not seek to innovate in their company end up not standing out to consumers. Thus, investing in telecommunications is, in addition to a way to improve management, a way to increase the profitability potential of their business. After all, knowing how to correctly use these improvements offered by communication systems, you can always be one step ahead of the competition.

The main segments of telecommunication

It is possible to divide telecommunications into three major segments:

  • Telecom services;
  • telecommunications equipment;
  • communication Wireless (wireless).

In turn, they encompass a variety of other services such as long-distance operators, home systems such as virtual assistants - Alexa and Google Home, for example -, international customer services, and many others. Each of these being adapted and updated to further improve user satisfaction with their functions. Wireless communication is widely used for data transmission, such as sending and storing files in the cloud. This advance was especially important for governments and companies, as it allowed documents to be transmitted more securely and accessed from any location. This option, added to the development of digital signatures, even allowed these files to be signed online and to have the same legal validity as those drawn with a fist. To that end, was there even the development of its own legislation for this new trading option. Learn more about this topic in the post”Learn about the laws that regulate Digital Signature for the Government”.

The trends in telecommunications for companies

As the amount of information transmitted every day is enormous, it is necessary to constantly innovate. So, if you are in charge of a company in any sector, it is essential that you are aware of the main trends in the Telecom sector to understand how to include these technologies in your business. To do this, check out which technologies will be trending in the coming years in telecommunications and will make all the difference for your business!

Big Data

The development of technologies of Big Data it will be essential to deal with the amount of information that users generate on communication devices on a daily basis. The spread of this tool will help companies to better handle the available data in telecommunications and devise more assertive strategies based on these parameters.

IoT — Internet of Things

IoT, Internet of Things or Internet of Things is a concept that refers to electronic devices that are connected to the worldwide network, being able to communicate with each other and offering the option of being controlled remotely.

An example of this are virtual assistants for home use, such as Alexa, which are connected to the internet and are controlled by voice. They can also control lights, televisions, and other devices connected to the network. The tendency is for this technology to expand to communication and to the industrial sector, creating ways of working that can be monitored remotely saving human capital from carrying out certain tasks.

Artificial Intelligence

In the Telecom sector, artificial intelligence will be increasingly important, especially in customer service. The development of technologies that better understand humans and are able to answer them based on a database is the next step to improve the Chatbots already existing. Automations in the transmission of information are also being targeted by developers in this sector and the prediction is that these tools used to overcome some physical barriers that until then have been an obstacle. Read also our post”Understand what automation is and how it can revolutionize your company“, in which we talk more about this type of technology! After better understanding what Telecom is and its consequences for the business sector, How about learning more ways to modernize your business? Follow the Clicksign blog and get access to the best content to optimize your management and make your team's daily life easier!