Digital transformation: The impact on the commercial sector
You've certainly heard of the term digital transformation. After all, it is one of the biggest concerns of today's companies, since there is a need to become increasingly modern and keep up with this VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (in Portuguese: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, respectively).
However, if you still have your doubts about the subject, this post will help you better understand:
- What is digital transformation?
- What does this mean for the consumer?
- The impacts of digital transformation on the commercial sector
- The role of technology in this transformation
- What is digital transformation?
It's impossible to address the subject of digital transformation without mentioning the word technology. New technologies are the basis for all the changes that companies undergo, but they are only the first impact.
Technology changes the way companies operate, but it also changes the way the public behaves. This means that digital transformation is not just about “adopting new technologies”.
For companies and the commercial sector to truly change, it is necessary to have a new mentality of the use of technology and the empowerment of the customer.
How does digital transformation affect the customer?
No matter who your end customer is, be it an individual, legal entity, government or whatever, consumers benefited the most. Never have they been so well informed, in certain cases, even more so than the sellers themselves.
The current customer no longer needs information. This exists all over the internet, and it can go after the information whenever it needs it. The client seeks knowledge, that is, the way to apply information in a practical way. And if he doesn't like your solution, he has the entire internet to find an answer he likes.
How does digital transformation affect the commercial sector?
As a result, the commercial sector now has new challenges. Using technology means having data at your disposal, about customers, about the market, and about your own company. But data is very little valuable if you don't know what to do with it.
It's easy to know how many people visited your site, how many sales your team made, and the conversion of your entire funnel. The difficult thing is to understand what this data represents, so that the commercial sector can have better insights on how to qualify its customer.
At the same time, we live in an extremely competitive world with scarce resources. Therefore, the worst thing a seller can do is to spend a precious resource, such as time, on a customer who has little chance of selling. Therefore, the biggest challenge in the commercial sector, together with marketing, is to qualify the lead for sale.
The role of technology
Digital transformation presents an interesting contrast - and even a certain irony -. Technology is the basis of this moment, the support that elevates all companies. But it is so available and so many companies make use of it, that this is no longer a differential.
The important thing is to know how to use the technology properly. The data will not provide the answer that will solve your business, unless you ask the right question.
What do you think? Does your company make the true digital transformation or does it just use technology?
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