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School documents and permits: historical evidence of your institution

School documents and permits: historical evidence of your institution

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School documents and permits are often synonymous with paperwork, disorganization, delays, and queuing. The clogged office, manual procedures, and long hours wasted - dispensed with managing those documents. But it doesn't have to be that way.

For us, document is synonymous with integrity, security, and consistency. School documents go further: they represent the formal agreement between institution and state, parents and teachers, pedagogical process, and identity formation. These are evidences that will mark the beginning of each student's academic life and accompany them out of the educational institution.

But after all, how manage this role in the best possible way? Or: how to document in digital modernity? That is our mission.

Discover, in this post, the powerful usability of the Digital Signature, the sustainable paperless culture, and the main school documents that enter this revolutionary parameter.

External school documents and their characteristics

Here, we will define “external documents” as documents that transcend school administrative planning: those that parents and guardians sign as part of it.

There are two types of these documents. The first type are temporary documents; the second type, we call permanent, meaning that some have a shorter validity period and useful life, while others are part of your office's most important and indispensable paperwork. Those are the ones we spend the most time in the school year, involved in manual management. Shall we discuss some?

A new, objective and intelligent format for school documents

Have you ever thought that all of them can be signed in one click? That's really what we offer!
  • Enrollment Form

This document formalizes the student's enrollment in the school. It contains student and parent data, address, telephone number, and full names. In a school management software, you automates this process and allows enrollment to be done from home, at work, on vacation, from anywhere in the world - at any time. What are the greatest possibilities of choice that your institution is looking for?

  • Individual student form

Mandatory and annual, the individual student form contains the following data: student name, level, grade or cycle, shift, and class. It contains notes, pedagogical notes, and monthly/annual student attendance. Some institutions also require signatures of those responsible for that document.

In addition, it also includes important observations and personal data of the student, such as indications of illnesses that require special attention and care.

This is yet another process that can and must become digital, since it concerns students' school life. It will no longer be necessary to fill in the form manually and sign physically. If in an emergency, the document location is one click away.

It is also worth noting that digital security, today, overcomes any problem that the secretariat has in maintaining the consistency and integrity of the data provided to this form.

  • Final result: 

The bulletins, later also transcribed into the Minutes of Final Results, can be digitally signed.

  • Historical SchoolR:

Individual document for each student. It indicates series, cycles, steps taken, performance and frequency.

It is also in this document that the educational institution declares the Curriculum exercised by the student, BNCC (Common National Curricular Base and Diversified Part), annual workload completed, as well as evaluation, grades, and final considerations of the result obtained by the student.

  • Declaration:

Provisional document issued to confirm the student's enrollment at the respective institution and indicate enrollment period. It is submitted in the absence of a school transcript.

  • Attestation:

Document that indicates the student's health and physical fitness to exercise physical education. Without it, the school is not authorized to carry out practical activities in the discipline and is compulsorily issued annually.

  • Certificate or Diploma:

Prove the full completion of the course, level, series, or teaching modality.

You can do it differently: digitally sign school documents!

Note that, often, a single student collects several documents with their own data (that's enough). Now multiply that number by the number of students you have at your institution! Then, the average time taken to prepare and fill out each document manually. See how much time is wasted in this manual management alone. Imagine that monthly, or even annual, number!

If time is money, you can already get an idea that physical documents they're not the smartest solution.

The Electronic Signature or Digital Signature is for those who don't have time to waste

The Clicksign Digital Signature elevates your institution to another level. It is with it that the recurrence of enrollments doubles and it is with it that your institution gains space to think of new models in the market scene. Whether it's attracting and retaining students, marketing strategy, pedagogical plans or long-term and medium-term plans: it doesn't matter. You'll have plenty of time.

Law 14.063/2020 configures the legal validity of Digital Signatures, from the most basic social areas to the most important pillars - such as Government, schools, hospitals and clinics. It is this disruptive tool that is changing the way in which individuals deal with their limits, their own time, and their own money.

Now distance no longer limits business. Educational institutions sign contracts and receive enrollments much more easily, minimizing the risk of dropouts or manual rework due to occasional errors.

Integration of Digital Signature with School Management Software

The Clicksign Digital Signature integrates with your Management Software via API (Application Programming Interface). It allows parents and students to sign their documents and even register, without having to leave the website of their educational institution - and even less to physically travel to their office. You offer bigger security and expediency for the overwhelming percentage that he prefers (simple) like that.

Advanced authentications that prove the integrity of the digital signature

Dynamic Selfie, Digital Certificate, Pix, Token, Official Document or Handwritten Signature? You choose how to prove your identity. Protected by cutting-edge technology, the Digital Signature has the advantage of leadership marketing, in a duality of autonomy and success.

Let technology do the rest for you!

In addition to external documents - such as student records and supplier contracts - there are pedagogical projects, which make up the range of internal documents. A LDB Law 9394/96 introduced for the first time what we now know as the Pedagogical Proposal, and provides for the entire pedagogical approach and orientation project for its students.

It is from this documented project that the school gains purpose, ideological and gestational structure. This is one of the most important documents that a school carries, as it is as if it were your own. identity.

In addition to the Pedagogical Proposal, documents such as the School Calendar, School Regulations and the Action Plan are included. These 4 projects involve, for the most part, all representatives of the school, in addition to the teachers. The four protect indispensable parts of the annual school management and, yet, receive outdated and dysfunctional treatment.

O storage of these documents needs to be assertive and intelligent. Keeping them physically stored makes this evidence constantly susceptible to natural disasters (such as floods), fires, moths, and even theft. To what extent would this loss impact the routine, not only of the office and the teachers, but also of the students?

What about the excessive amount of paper?

A digitization of documents and processes, today, is the main solution for a management that is congested and prone to errors or excessive rework.

In addition, this type of storage is consistent with a much more sustainable culture, taking into account that a school spends approximately 500 sheets of paper per student. Assuming your school has 500 students, you will spend 250 thousand sheets per year. The most modern solutions are taking hold and reminding society that it is possible to live mindfully.

So where to store digital school documents?

In the cloud. Cloud storage is already known for its simplicity and agility in locating important files. It's modern and extremely secure, as it's also encased in end-to-end encrypted technology - and requires user authentication. A digitizing from papers it is already the main need of any institution and company, from large to medium to small, inside and outside Brazil.

Organization has never been so easy with digital documents!

If there is something that cannot be missing in a school, it is organization and planning. Clicksign believes that education is the corporate base, and we are seriously committed to the optimization of student processes. We are in the information age and there are several ways to study with technology.
Discover with us the new way of entrepreneurship in education.