Learn how to make the organization of digital files more strategic
A good organization of digital files is essential for your company to enjoy all the benefits of the practice of Lean Office, which we have already commented on here on the blog. It's not enough to scan, it's necessary to know where and how to easily find documents, don't you agree? Document management can be quite bureaucratic, but Clicksign has some tips that will facilitate the way in which you, an entrepreneur, will implement it in your business, check out our tips!
Digital archive vs digital document
There is a difference between the concept of a digital file and a digital document, and understanding it is the starting point for knowing what, in fact, we want to teach you in this post. digital document It is the one that, unlike the physical one - paper - is created in a digital medium or transported to that place. In a different way, or digital archive it is a way of storing and managing digital documents. Library shelves, folder cabinets, and documents, for example, make it easier to see something's archived. Think about it, but computationally speaking in the course of our tips, okay?
Tips on how to organize digital files
At the risk of hitting the same button, we stress that one of the biggest gains in digital archiving is precisely Save resources — natural and monetary — linked to the purchase of paper, in addition to optimizing your company's use of physical space and providing greater organizational and consumer security. technological transformation of the market, many physical resources are losing their place in the sun: documents, files, and repetitive processes are not the most used, nor are they the most secure. You can't run the risk of losing data in modern information, right?
How can I make my digital file more strategic?
If you have wisely chosen to digitize processes and documents, The time has come to learn how to implement efficient document management in your business once and for all.
1. Opt for cloud storage
Have you ever taken the first step, which was to adopt the use of digital documents, but have you ever wondered if, unexpectedly, the computer you use to store them simply doesn't turn on anymore? You take it to the technician and the SSD couldn't be saved either. It's over “lifespan” of your documents and everything you optimized was in vain. Much less tragic situations, but just as complicated as need to have access to documents from anywhere and not succeeding can also happen (as in the home office). Difficult, isn't it? Even closing a contract can be hampered like this. How about joining the wave of digital advances once and for all and investing in cloud computing?
2. Restrict access to documents
Oh, alright then, now your company already makes use of digital archiving in the cloud and not only you but also your employees have access to that “drive”. It can also go wrong, and very easily! Clearly your collaborators must have access to the documents necessary to carry out their usual work, but not all of them need to have access to the entire digital file. Limit reachability of each employee to the folders in the sector to which they belong, for example, or to allow only some employees to make permanent edits. Accidents can happen, and reducing the chances of this happening is essential.
3. Assemble folder structures and subfolders
It is not recommended to simply “throw” digital documents on the drive, so organizing the destinations of each of them is essential. Separate by folders and subfolders, such as:
- Customers (general folder) - Customer X (subfolder of that customer) - case or activity 1/case or activity 2 /case or activity 3 (each action that must be differentiated).
4. Naming digital documents correctly makes a difference
You can't also use random names for your documents, as this will not help you with organization. Quite the contrary, in fact. Speeding up processes is something that concerns looking at each phase separately and then as a whole. Specify which file is the one with key and objective information. Long titles aren't good for productivity, so how about also choosing to use tags? Instead of a “judicial proxy instrument” use “proc” and save it inside the client's folder that provided the data for the production of the document. The process of finding this standardized document will be intuitive and automatic!
5. Establish storage protocols
If the storage is in tags or numbers, for example, it is necessary that all company employees know this and do it in a harmonious way in all sectors. Such file type/format/content must always be saved with an X name. Avoid confusion and Define standards!
6. Back up frequently
At the beginning you understood the need to be able to trust your file, didn't you? So even digital files must be the target of a comprehensive and judicious backup in the cloud or on an external hard drive (returning to the premise that cloud computing is much more secure).
7. Cleaning time
Moving obsolete documents from the medium of others that are in use is the same as making conscious and optimal use of digital storage space. But that doesn't mean that digital documents should be deleted, okay? Cleaning isn't always about throwing everything away.Never delete documents, screen them and move them to another directory (those from the previous topic, and it may even be cool to create a drive only for closed cases, inactivated clients, etc.).
8. Software for document organization and optimization
Having the help of document management systems is a very interesting option, as is having a integration system of these with other internal and external business activities.
Extra tip/question: what about the integrity of digital documents?
What makes many people not consider the digitization of documents and the use of originally electronic documents are factors linked precisely to security and validity issues, but did you know that today it is possible ensure the integrity of virtual documents by means of electronic signature? Both documents born and taken to the digital medium can be validated, protected, and restricted through this technology for encrypting non-physical signatures. If you think that there is no way Clicksign make your business management even easier, take a look at our digital solutions. The future starts today and you can count on us!