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Employee lifecycle in the company: how to optimize?

Employee lifecycle in the company: how to optimize?

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The life cycle of collaborating in the company is a way of monitoring not only the entry and departure of employees, but also the quality of the work environment it provides and the management of the team. Not familiar with the term? Don't worry, most administrators are constantly learning about the subject as well.

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For this reason, Clicksign wants to help you get ahead of the competition by knowing this human resources management tool, which will help optimize the processes of Backoffice. Therefore, continue with us in this post and learn about how this cycle works, its importance, and how your company's HR can make it even better!

After all, what is the employee lifecycle in the company?

You can't learn to optimize something that we don't fully understand. So you need to start by understanding that this life cycle is a way of representing the stages of the relationship between employee and institution. These are the points of change, of note, of progress both for those who hire and for those who are hired.” Oh, so it's the same as the collaborator journey”. No! It is connected to the journey, but it is not the journey itself. The concept of an employee's journey is like a road that goes from admission to dismissal, whereas the employee's life cycle within the company refers precisely to the “stops” on this path - including, of course, entry and exit. Ele It concerns the experience that people have while working in a company. Some of the steps included in this phase are:

  • admission;
  • inclusion in culture;
  • adaptation;
  • personal development;
  • readjustment;
  • departure from the company.

These key points, where a change occurs, a phase ends or the employee earns a bonus, serve to maintain the institution's internal dynamism, taking the team and brand even further. Some of them require documentation and signatures — such as Dismissal process that we already have a post showing how to optimize. Others may only be represented by a moment of improvement without major formalities.

How important is it to take care of the employee's life cycle?

As a way of thinking about the employee experience, the life cycle can help identify bottlenecks or spaces for company growth. Think with me: If a business does not think about its relationship with the team, the team will not feel motivated to produce more and understand what is wrong. In addition to this factor, there are others that show the importance of ensuring the management of these stages. What can be seen in the market is that projects that have this concern have advantages such as:

  • a good reputation in the business environment;
  • have a healthy and ethical work environment;
  • improved employee satisfaction;
  • increased production;
  • less spending on the loss of employees;
  • increasingly better professionals on their team;
  • return on investments in your employees, as they end up improving the company;
  • increased profits.

These benefits are the consequence of processes that involve the entire team, but that start from the company's administrative sector. In particular, they are related to the HR of a business. Learn how!

HR and the employee experience: how does the relationship work?

The basis for the development of a company's talent is HR. This sector recruits and identifies those who have the potential to be a professional who adds to the existing team. It also aligns the newest members of the employee staff so that they are able to follow the team's practices, as well as conform to the values and vision of that institution. Thus, the actions of a company's Human Resources area are closely linked to the experience that employees will have there. It takes care of this human capital, both with the disclosure of the vacancy, admission documentation and the inclusion of new people within the company, and with the following stages of their permanence. HR is responsible for thinking about training, choosing benefits, internal satisfaction, closing the payroll and managing teams. Understand personal talents and know where each one will be used to their maximum potential it is also included in the functions of those who are in this area. We can understand that, in a certain way, HR is responsible for creating the phases that are included in the employee cycle. Your improvement, modification, and dismissal operations are what base someone's experience at an institution.

How to improve the life cycle of the company's employee?

The first step is to make a thorough assessment of your team. Is there a high employee turnover? Do they complain about any specific factor? Does your brand have the same benefits as the market in this sector? As there are many issues that can be raised, we have separated a list of possible improvements to improve the experience of your employees. Check it out:

  • progressive increase in salaries and bonuses;
  • career plan;
  • comply with payment dates;
  • increase the number of trainings;
  • ensure relations between the team;
  • provide equipment suitable for the job;
  • improve the company's physical space;
  • demonstrate the value given to the team's efforts.

We know that it's not easy to handle all these functions, but are there digital and super accessible mechanisms that can reduce the effort of those who will be responsible for these changes. We already talked about a solution for one of these topics in the post with Tips for expediting payroll closing. But we still have other indications that will make all the difference in employee experience management!

Modern tools to optimize employee care

The market increasingly has modern and digital solutions for the most different gaps in an institution. These tools and services are for Reduce the time of each task, increase results and facilitate operations. Those who wish to stand out in their field of expertise cannot count on obsolete and incomplete management methods. Check out 5 modern tools that have a direct impact on the employee experience, in other words, on the employee's life cycle!

1. Online course platforms

It is not always feasible to offer face-to-face training, structure internal courses, and find specialists with the necessary didactics to help your team. That's not to say that you can't invest in the preparation of the talents you have in your team. Online course platforms are a great advantage that make these courses easier to access. There are numerous pages focused on courses from all business sectors. Find the one that teaches you what you want and acquire it so that your team has that knowledge. And it's not even necessary to buy a course for each employee, using the same login and electronic signature, classes can be rewatched as many times as necessary.

2. Integrated management system

Financial control, more organized reports at any time, less chance of errors in the records and convenience in administration. These are just some of the advantages of using integrated management systems that gather all the information relevant to the good administration of resources. This tool impacts the employee's life cycle by creating an improvement in financial control, allowing you to achieve a higher profit by avoiding errors with payments and charges. It also improves the daily lives of the HR team, the financial sector and the Personal Department, who must also have a positive experience while working in the company. Management systems can also help techniques such as Growth Hacking that analyze conversion metrics to understand marketing effectiveness.

3. Digital forms for satisfaction surveys

Earlier we talked about the internal satisfaction survey, right? The problem is that employees don't always want to give their honest opinions about the company out of fear of reprisal, or because they don't feel comfortable pointing out flaws directly to someone. To get a Research with real feedback, choose one of the several tools that allow you to create digital forms while preserving the identity of the person who completes them. The most popular of these is Google Forms, a free option among Google's various business tools.

4. Digital signature of documents

Some of the stages of the employee's life cycle require contracts and other documents that need to be duly signed. Bonus agreements, payslips, and company dismissal processes (or just daily documents that require a rubric) are just a few examples where management and contractor need to initialize and certify the legal veracity of the archive. With the remote work modalities, it turns out that it is not possible to collect signatures in person. Using the digital signature is the best way out to complete that operation remotely safely about the content of the document. This option also guarantees the legality of that process, because this type of registration has a digital certificate recognized by the government and other legal authorities.

5. Dashboards

Dashboards are graphical demonstrations of important company information. There are several sites that allow you to create these panels. Use them to demonstrate the progress of the company's monthly goals, or activities by sector, increased sales, and others data that helps motivate your team. This practice will bring a feeling of growth, will show that the effort made is being recognized and is generating results. Check out our post”KPI: what is it and how can it improve the management of your business?“to learn about some indicators that may appear on the Dashboard! Keep this information in mind and use the tips we gave you to optimize your company's employee lifecycle. The Clicksign blog always has the best content about business automation, helping you keep your business modern and profitable!