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Digital certificate for companies: do they all need to have one?

Digital certificate for companies: do they all need to have one?

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The digital certificate for companies is a tool that streamlines processes and makes everyday life easier. For some types of businesses, despite specific sizes and regions of the country, this is not a requirement. However, regardless of being optional for everyone, the importance and benefits of this certification are undeniable. It dispenses with paper and pens, overcomes geographical limits and offers even more security for those who negotiate. This one is a form of trademark in the digital legal landscape, with the presence of your identity in transactions of the most diverse types.

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Understand in detail What is a digital certificate with our post already published on the subject; but to find out which companies need this item, and other points about this solution, continue with us in this article! Clicksign prepared content to answer all your questions and help guarantee the best for your CNPJ!

Digital certificate for companies: who needs to have it?

At a time when most of the population has an active online experience, having a digital certificate must be a priority for all companies. With high competition, a manager must be aware of the world and not be left behind. Therefore, joining this facilitator is the most assertive choice. After all, he can be a great help when expanding your business and improve the way of working. But, as mentioned, not all sectors of the market have this as a requirement. Some types of professionals and businesses have this charge by law, others because of their area of expertise. Find out who these groups need this digital validator:

  • in cities where municipal laws or companies require CONFAZ digital documents;
  • presumed profit ventures;
  • lawyers or law firms;
  • accounting offices;
  • psychologists, physiotherapists, dentists, nurses;
  • that use Integrated Management Systems .

These are some of the main groups that need the Digital Certificate. Bank employees also fall into the cases where the profession requires this facility. However, in some processes these workers may use a digital signature which also has legal validity. Even if you or your business do not fit into any of the groups that we mentioned as mandatory, you should still look into this tool. she can be used in most processes that do not exist in national territory, including real estate, and makes life easier for both parties.

What companies need a Digital Certificate for?

There are several reasons why companies need a Digital Certificate, one of the most common is to be able to issue an NF-e (Electronic Invoice). Everyone who needs to have this virtual proof of the provision of a service or sale of a product, use this virtual solution to show the veracity of the transaction. This requirement includes the MEI's, which otherwise would not have to acquire this proof. There are still a number of others transactions and activities that Legal Entities can only carry out with the aid of this cryptography. Get to know some of them:

  • have access to the services of the Federal Revenue Service, including the provision of accounts for foreign resources;
  • participate in virtual auctions;
  • sign contracts and processes online with full legal validity;
  • attest public faith to financial reports and other virtual accounting services;
  • issue digital medical certificates and receipts for online appointments;
  • the documentation that connected with printing or gardening;
  • make banking transactions easier and with total security, among others.

Because of digital reflections, for example, many health professionals ended up acquiring a Digital Certificate during the pandemic. Virtual assistance for inquiries is only valid if provided with this guarantee. For Pharmacies to accept the prescriptions issued digitally, they also had to adapt. Check out our post about The digital prescription: easy for doctors and patients and medications like this facility are changing care! It is worth mentioning that several types of electronic certificates to choose from, just check and qualify better fit your needs. A versatility and practicality of this operation it's just another of the many benefits it offers. Want to know some others? Clicksign tells you!

Advantages of the digital certificate for companies

Whoever is in charge of managing a business is always seeking new ways to optimize time and capital, right? This is a great way out of the problem, since it reduces the use of each type of economy, the use of Papeter everything in the virtual environment brings convenience and democracy in accessing all business documents. In addition, it will not survive, other than submitting a document. This certificate is highly secure with cryptography and other technological resources that prevent your content from being modified. In addition, this digital certification protection can still be proven with verification tactics from veracity of the document. Two-factor protection, basically! Now you know the most important thing about the digital certificate for companies and you are ready to join this solution. O Click's blog It has other content that will help optimize your management. Be sure to check it out!