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How to automate customer prospecting and gain sales agility

How to automate customer prospecting and gain sales agility

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Automating customer prospecting means reducing the operational work of sellers, moving to a digital platform, part of the sales process. This is done with the help of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.

Automation has as its main focus on eliminating manual tasks in order to, thus, streamline the process in question. As a result, what matters most at work ceases to be the operation to become the strategic management of a given procedure.

In this way, tasks that are repeated or are routine, are now carried out by machines, such as software and robots.

For decades, automation was associated with the industry. After all, who doesn't remember the car manufacturers in the 90s and their robotization of the workforce? Today, however, with the digital transformation, it is present in various areas of society, such as sports, finance, health, HR, marketing and sales.

Why automate customer prospecting?

The main reason for automating prospecting for new clients It is the economy in the most important asset that anyone in the world can have. And no, it's not about money. The most valuable asset that exists is time. Every second that passes will never come back. It's one less second in your life.

Ok! We don't need to philosophize. But if we think about the reality of a company, we know that the longer the period of time to register a given effort, the greater the calculated result. We can invert this logic and remove the following premise: more effort in a shorter period of time equals more results.

And why are we saying that?

Because automation uses exactly that logic. Digital tools can do much more work than an entire team of salespeople in a much shorter period of time. This doesn't mean that the sales team will be completely disabled by digital tools. On the contrary, people will always be needed to take care of the work. The difference is that with automation, the sales team's performance will be much higher. This generates better results, saving hours, days and even months of work.

Why isn't your company able to increase sales?

Perhaps the main reason your company doesn't increase sales is commercial prospecting. When this activity is done by human hands, without being automated, a lot of time is wasted on a fully operational job, which can burden the seller with more tasks than he would need to do.

An employee who is not focused on a single activity, with rare exceptions, will not do their best at work. When a salesperson spends most of their time prospecting, their sales return won't be as good as if they invested their time doing what they're prepared to do, selling.

Working with sales and mastering the art of selling is not easy. It requires a great deal of effort from anyone, since the sale involves research, rapport, breaking objections, qualifying leads and many other tasks that, if added together, would require a battalion to carry them out.

Now, take into consideration that a sales professional spends most of their day prospecting. In the time that is left he has to do all the other tasks that involve his work. It's a lot of effort on the part of the seller.

How to automate customer prospecting?

We can say that prospecting, due to its systematic nature, is an activity that has all the conditions to be automated.

This can be done through companies that specialize in commercial prospecting. After all, they have a team of professionals to do that job for you. Just instruct them properly, regarding the profile of the leads, that they will search for these potential customers.

Another way to automate customer prospecting is to create a prospecting sector within the company itself. The biggest advantage of this method is that since this is an internal area, it is easier and faster to analyze and correct the contact profile.

Customer prospecting can also be done through automatic contact prospecting platforms. It's automation in the purest possible form. On these platforms, few human interactions are needed. Just enter the profile of the audience you want and that's it. A contact list is generated for you. A tool that greatly helps the seller's work is Ramper, a digital platform that automates end-to-end prospecting.

What other ways to accelerate sales?

A very effective method to make the sales process more agile is the automation of contract creation. O Clicksign Automation it is an efficient solution in this regard. Because it is an automation and document management module. Through it, you create forms with variable fields that your own customer fills out with their data. In a few minutes the contract is ready to be signed, with electronic signature.

The agility in closing deals with this solution is enormous. Your entire sales team has nothing but to win.