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Digital economy and Brazilian business environment — Understand the relationship!

Digital economy and Brazilian business environment — Understand the relationship!

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The digital economy is the result of a constant technological process in the sector. Knowing and understanding the relationship between the digital economy and the Brazilian business environment is part of the steps for Follow this evolution and don't let your venture be left behind. The popularization of digital signatures is a good example of the effect of the digital economy and the technological advances of recent years. Companies that are concerned with knowing more about this world are able to enjoy benefits that other ventures do not.

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With that in mind, we have prepared a complete content with the main information on the subject so that you stay up to date and not miss anything. Read on and understand what the digital economy is, the technological process of recent years and the influence of the digital economy on business. Take advantage and also check out our post talking a little more about technology in the business environment, check out:”How technology transforms a company's document organization”.

Do you know what the digital economy is?

The digital economy is nothing more than transformation from physical to digital functions in the economic environment. This is a direct consequence of technological, social and professional advances around the world. Digitalization processes add a series of advantages for those who adapt to this new reality. We must also mention that economic virtuality is neither unique nor exclusive. Many processes still take place in the physical world and that's not a problem. What happens, in fact, is the vision of possibilities for improvement in various aspects. Along with the digital economy, we found some tools that make digitalization a reality. Among them, the development and use of APIs is a good example of how the digital economy works in practice. We talked more about APIs and their applications in this publication, check out:”System integration: understand how APIs work!”.

A bit about the technological process of recent years

It is not news to anyone that the world has been undergoing technological processes and developments since the Industrial Revolution, beginning in the second half of the 18th century. After that and especially in the last 20 years, this process was potentiated. Some also say that we are just at the beginning of all possible technological potential. The truth is that, with each step we take towards technological development, new tools and internal processes are applied, by virtue of practicality and easiness. The same is true in the economic scenario with the origin of Information and Telecommunication Technologies, ICTs. In Brazil, technological development and the digital economy are even more powerful. The potential for greater development is estimated to increase for the year 2021, further confirming the importance of the technological process and digitalization for the economic growth national.

Influence of the digital economy on the business environment

In the business environment, the digital economy plays an important role in improving processes. In practice, this happens through tools that boost the benefits of digitalization. Among them, we can mention APIs, certificates, and digital signatures:

API's — Application Programming Interface

The API's — Application programming interface, translation into Application Programming Interface — are part of a set of programming standards so that it is possible to create simpler and more practical platforms. In practice, APIs function as documents and contracts to represent agreements between the parties. Some examples of API's are:

  • Webdam;
  • Slack;
  • Twilio;
  • Watson;
  • RingCentral;
  • Google Drive.

See more about it in our publication:”API for electronic signature - Learn more about this process facilitator”.

Digital certificates

Both digital certificates and digital signatures are part of the process of business digitization, a direct consequence of the digital economy. Digital certificates came to facilitate and optimize the necessary bureaucratization within a company. With them, it is no longer necessary to make physical trips to incorporate certifications. Digital certificates have gained attention a few years ago and their list of advantages is responsible for this. Do you want to understand more about digital certifications? We talk about Everything that involves digital certifications in this publication.

Digital signature

Along with digitization tools, digital signatures comprise the existing stages present in the digital economy. In Brazil, digital signatures have also stood out since then. In general, every scanning tool operates according to facilitate and improve the internal processes of a company. For the economy, these advantages contribute directly to growth. In addition, we talk about the relationship between digital signatures and the financial market, in this post:”The advantages of electronic signatures for the financial market” .The digital economy directly influences the business environment positively, through tools that seek internal improvement. In Brazil, this development is constantly growing and the tendency is to increase over the years. Did you like our content? Take advantage and also check out our other publications and stay up to date with more tips and information about the digitalization universe.