The electronic signature in real estate contracts [+4 digitization software to simplify your processes]
Real estate contracts are increasingly being impacted by the technological revolution. Today, society has realized that it is possible to start and close deals in the real estate sector without having to travel to do so. Everything done digitally, from knowledge of the space to the signing of contracts, which can be electronic.
The gains in efficiency, cost reduction, and productivity are enormous. An example is the virtual visits that can be made to the real estate pages on the internet and the electronic signature on real estate contracts. In fact, the global computer network has completely transformed the way Brazilians search for the ideal property.
In fact, as can be seen in the present evolution in the graph above, the real estate market will become even more prominent and global. The report Real Estate 2020 mentioned that its institutional level expanded by more than 55% (from US$ 29 trillion in 2012 to US$ 45.3 trillion in 2020), and could grow to another US$ 69 trillion in 2030. Therefore, the forecasts show an exciting and promising market future.
In addition, according to recent research by Statista, housing prices vary considerably between countries and cities, having boosted their market value after the pandemic. Brazil, for example, is today the Latin American country with the highest average apartment price per m².
As people seek to find work-life balance in the new remote work landscape, preferences for renting and buying real estate have undergone a significant change.
Larger rooms and adequate space to set up a Home office became essential characteristics of the most sought after properties and consumers began to search for larger houses and apartments outside the cities.
The startup Quinto Andar saw an increase of 67% when searching for four-bedroom properties between April and May 2020, while demand for apartments of up to three bedrooms increased 6% during this period. Demand for homes, especially those located in gated communities, also increased 76%.
In addition, a total of 13,438 properties were sold in Brazil in September 2020, the best monthly sales performance since 2014. Let's see, then, how the combination of these actions has revolutionized the Real Estate Market.
What was the rental process like before the digital revolution?
Before, it was common to first take to the streets and search for properties for sale or rent in the desired neighborhood, then a real estate agency was searched and only then was it observed what the houses or apartments looked like inside. Currently, these three stages have ceased to make sense, at least at first.
And now?
The search is carried out online on specialized sites. You add all the filters you want, such as neighborhood, footage, price per m², number of rooms, etc. Then a series of properties will appear already filtered, many of them with photos. It is only after these steps that a search is made by the real estate agency or directly by the owner.
Businessman Bruno Prado Lopes recently rented a house to spend the weekend and at no stage of the process had to leave his residence:
“We registered on the Airbnb website [a digital property rental platform] and selected the region, the house, and the arrival and departure dates. The owner of the house approved the rent and debited it from our credit card, in a pre-defined installment payment. We picked up the key on the spot.”
What should real estate contract signatures look like in the future?
In this case, there was no need to sign a contract. But, if there were, the most appropriate way to carry out this process would be with an electronic signature and this solution can even be used by real estate agents. The advantages are enormous. It is not necessary to bring together the parts, with their witnesses, in the same place, at the same time, disrupting many people's schedules, just to sign a contract. Sometimes, this procedure requires traveling to other cities or regions, which makes the whole business too expensive.
There's no point in signing real estate contracts not being electronic
In addition, since practically the entire rental and sale process is carried out electronically, why then in the final stage, of closing the contract, a step back would be taken, using a pen and paper signature on the contract? It doesn't make sense, does it?
There is no difficulty in electronically signing a document
And do you think that the electronic signature of the platform of Clicksign it's so simple that anyone who has a device with internet access, such as a smartphone or tablet, can sign a document. Just push a button and it will go to the signer's email. Okay, that's all.
The platform for those who are going to send the document to the signers is also very easy to handle. In the most basic plans, you don't even need the help of a manual or support. The tool is self-explanatory. But of course, if there is a need for help, the company has a specialized team for this.
Technology in favor of real estate businesses: are you already benefiting from the new features?
Technology for the real estate project management sector has gained special importance due to the centralization of solutions that help to optimize the processes of real estate projects, in all areas, including costs, deadlines, quality, safety, risk communication and resources.
If they do not have these technologies, construction projects may face greater challenges and difficulties, especially, losing competitiveness and running a greater risk of survival in the market.
In this sense, let's look at 4 fundamental tools for operational gain and optimization of decision-making in this industry:
1 - Document Management
Having a document management tool is essential for agents and brokers to remain organized throughout a real estate transaction.
In this sense, Group Software has a product aimed at electronic document management, called Group GED. Through this software for managing GED documents, it is possible to store digitized files and facilitate the organization of your company, giving agility to management processes.
“The gain was so great that it ended up satisfying the customer. What became a communication link for these clients to indicate their neighboring buildings so that we could manage them. Today, completing around 16 years with condominiums, we have a portfolio of 200 condominiums, which is a very big leap. And really, this is due a lot to the Condomínio21 software.”
Christiano Moraes Campos, Zelo Condominiums - Group GED client
This is a simple and easy-to-use platform, with a high degree of accessibility compared to other solutions available on the market. In addition, it can be used by condominiums, malls, real estate agencies and the most diverse service providers. Among its main benefits, we can mention:
- Obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage for your administration;
- reduction of impressions and optimization of time and financial resources;
- speed in verifying documents and accountability;
- cost reduction with copies of documents;
- reduction of costs with the purchase of cabinets, boxes and physical space for organizing documents;
- reduction of the risk of loss when transporting and archiving folders;
- and much more!
2 - Property Mapping
If you are looking for more productivity and less default on your rentals, mapping your property portfolio, Widesys may be the answer.
Its features are useful both for independent realtors and for renowned real estate agents in the market. After all, the correct real estate mapping provides accurate, data-based information about a new or existing project, making it easier to create advertising campaigns aimed at the right audience.
Broadly speaking, the purpose of this software is to offer a complete rental and sales system, with a survey application, rent and transfer control, an integrated digital and financial account.
In addition, this tool improves the management of the client portfolio, provides data on their behaviors and allows the monitoring of feedbacks and Follow-ups.
3 - Communication and Mobility
Digitalization, as well as globalization, innovation, and demographic changes are placing new demands on space. This results in differentiated requirements in the quality of the properties, in the plans and in the technical equipment, as well as in the way in which they are managed.
These changes alone present major challenges to the real estate sector. In response to this structural change, companies are demanding and anticipating ever more flexibility, communication, and mobility to uncomplicate their customer's lives.
Thus, to help traditional real estate companies digitize themselves to focus on what really matters, the Universal Software - a company with more than 30 years in the market, considered the best real estate management platform in Latin America, whose mission is to leverage the results of its real estate business through exclusive solutions:
- commercial management;
- property management;
- financial management;
- management of sales contracts and commission control;
- pre-service;
- sites optimized on search engines and integrated with CRM;
- application for property inspection and
- digital treadmill to carry out the rental operation.
In fact, forecasting real estate demand, both in quality and quantity, is also becoming significantly more complex. The only way to get around this unpredictability is not only to change the Core business of companies, but through the implementation of tools capable of anticipating and overcoming the main challenges of these new times.
“Before we had 12 realtors, renting an average of 30 rental contracts a month, today we have 5 brokers renting an average of 80 rental contracts”.
Pedro Novaes, commercial director of Âncora Imobiliária
4 - Electronic signature
As mentioned before, the use of online document signing in the real estate sector avoids bottlenecks that cause stress and accelerate the path to closing the deal.
In this sense, Clicksign, Brazil's first electronic signature company and The only 100% Brazilian company in the electronic signature market to obtain the certificate ISO 27001 - a globally recognized standard for Information Security management, uses the most advanced technologies to provide the legal validity of signed documents. See how simple and easy it is to sign a document for signature:
Finally, if you also want to digitize your processes, as the leading companies in the market already do, Clicksign is the ideal solution to accelerate the growth of your business!
Learn more about how Online Document Signing can revolutionize your processes, take a free test and see how it is possible to make a subscription, with legal validity, in less than 1 minute. Try it, no credit card required!