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10 Fundamental Tips to Accelerate Sales Closing

10 Fundamental Tips to Accelerate Sales Closing

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Optimize the Closing of sales It's turning a cog that will result in many benefits not only to the company, but to the entire society. Efficient sales strategies they are important for any business, after all, without conversion there is no revenue, and without invoicing it is almost impossible for a business to develop. Therefore, without growth, there is no need to talk about possibilities for prospecting clients. It's more like a cycle, in which the next business phase depends mostly on the previous one, isn't it? A good manager understands this reality, and therefore seeks to improve business resourcefulness based on automation and other new technologies.

In this article you will learn about some techniques such as mental triggers together with good market practices and consumer relations that will help you achieve better results in closing sales. In principle, let's go to the arguments that appeal to our social instincts and that make the act of buying a true state of well-being.

First of all: what is the sales closing process?

When it is said that it is necessary to “start from the beginning” there are those who think it is redundant, but the reality is that the foundation of all learning is based on the first contacts with the subject. Therefore, for closing sales to be efficient, it is necessary to understand what it is and how it works. In a simple way, closing is one of the stages of the sales process, that is, the decisive moments in which the company, through the manager and the seller, Does persuasion work and presents the consumer with the product that they need to purchase (even if, in fact, they don't have to). The completion of this sales process includes three codependent steps, focused on the consumer:

  • discovery of the product or service;
  • consideration about the purchase;
  • decision to buy;

Mental trigger: ways to accelerate the completion of the business process

Mental triggers are, first of all, techniques that act on people's psychology, especially when they choose which product or service they are going to consume. They are important marketing tools that help — and a lot — the entire sales process, and even its satisfactory conclusion. Therefore, they influence and drive the customer to make a favorable decision for the purchase of a product. Although the consumer buys to satisfy a need, he must believe that he is doing the best possible deal. He wants, therefore, buy the best product, at the right time and with the right person. The manager and interested seller require knowledge, even if minimal (initially speaking, okay?) in the countless possibilities that digital marketing can provide to this individual who seeks satisfaction through services and products. Therefore, mental triggers influence the emotion and social perception of each individual. However, they cannot be confused with manipulation. Nobody likes to feel manipulated, but everyone likes to be enchanted through arguments that attract him and thus combat any possible objections he may have.

1. Mental trigger of scarcity

First, let's talk about the mental trigger of scarcity. It occurs, in principle, when you place that the product or The opportunity offered is about to run out. Thus, if the customer does not make up his mind quickly, he will lose the chance offered. This causes a sense of urgency to drive you to close the deal. However, great caution is needed when using this trigger. If there are still many products in stock or if the technique is repeated many times, this can also lead to a lack of credibility and aversion to the seller and the brand. After all, nobody likes to be deceived.

2. Mental self-esteem trigger

More than a mental trigger, the technique of stimulating someone's self-esteem is, in advance, a true act of love for others. Especially if the buying action is accompanied by an argument that leads The consumer to consider himself deserving of that product or service. This will, therefore, accelerate the closing of sales.

3. The mental trigger of authority

This is, finally, one of the most powerful mental triggers that exist. From an early age, people are taught to respect authority, and although that first contact comes from a relationship with a father and mother, this first respect for power, others may also have a presence of authority. And the greater the authority, the more respected and esteemed the person will be. So, if your The brand is considered a reference in its niche market, plus you will accelerate the closing of sales. Work for it!

4. Social proof mental trigger

Human beings have a need to feel like an integral member of a social group. The experience of the human being has been joint since the beginning of time. Thus, if a The product is successful among its peers, will undoubtedly be coveted by people who don't have it. A simple example of social proof is visualizing two restaurants. The first, with a large line. The second with no one inside. Even if they take longer to enter, however, people prefer the establishment with a line. This mainly stems from social proof.

5. Mental trigger of reason

This mental trigger basically works when the marketer or the seller calls on Rational arguments to make the sale.An example would be that a product or service to be purchased will solve something for the consumer. This happens because the customer's brain seeks a reason based on the reason to buy, and if that will be useful to him, he wants it.

Have you ever heard of the consumer journey?

So far we've talked about ways to persuade the customer, but have you ever thought about Consumer journey? Clicksign has already provided quite complete content about this entire process, but it's worth mentioning again: it's nothing more than your consumer's story with your brand, product or service. The marketing involved in studying and improving the consumer journey aims to produce a narrative in which the client is involved, and for this reason it is essential to understand it: your needs, pain, doubts and joys matter. Through information, sales strategies can and will be optimized. In addition, this journey does not end with the sale. A The customer experience must also be pleasurable in the after-sales. Do you know those triggers of authority and social proof? Here they can be enriched!

6. Improve prospecting to accelerate sales closing

Understand: there's no use using mental triggers, even if you and your sales team are prospecting a target audience that doesn't have the least interest in your product. To get the sales done right and accelerate closing, it's important to know, first, What is your potential customer profile. Don't waste ammunition shooting everywhere in advance. Study your market and your consumers. Start with those who actually want your solution, and then make more people want it. Time wasted never comes back, but time spent wisely in good strategies returns in revenue. Believe!

7. Personalize your communication with the consumer to the maximum

Although your customer has a consolidated profile, this does not equate them to those who have the same profile. Therefore, treat each customer as if they were the only one. This does not prevent you, however, from using scripts to make contacts. You can use them. However, it's important that your customer doesn't think they're talking to a robot that asks the same questions to everyone. Invest in tools for process automation that team up with sellers and increase productivity, such as operational tasks. Basically, what every consumer wants is to be treated as if he were a king, with his needs and desires met, and the fact that cutting-edge technology is available to him will also create a good image.

8. Have your customer as a friend and accelerate the closing of your sales

As stated before, every customer wants and requires special attention. Therefore, show interest, know in advance what your moment is and what your need is. Commit yourself, as a friend, to making your product work to improve its results, after all, you're not like other sellers who just want to push their products. This is your differential. And we understand, you will not be able to speak personally with each consumer, especially if the company in which you operate is well established in the market. But invest, for example, in email marketing, customizing the name of each customer. Staying present helps.

9. Clients' customers

One of the most basic ways to accelerate the closing of sales is to reach the customer being referred by another person who has already consumed your work. Social proof, remember? After all, this also gives you authority, since another company used your services and, of course, enjoyed it a lot. Work well to always work!

10. Speed up the closing of the deal

Okay, you've already selected your customer, personalized them, treated them as a friend, and were even referred. I'm sorry to inform you that all of this is useless, however, if at the time of formalizing the sale, Bureaucracy hampering the signing of the contract.The more bureaucratic the contractual process, the greater the chances of the consumer creating objections, thus preventing their sale. Invest in the mechanisms of digital authentication and electronic signature of contracts, for example, and have deals completed in minutes, from anywhere.

Clicksign Automation will help you accelerate the closing of sales

Clicksign Automation was created precisely to optimize operational acts that previously had avoidable bureaucratic obstacles today. The last step in the sale is, in fact, to make it happen. Then, make use of technological tools that assist from the creation to the signing of contracts. Get ahead of your competitor and direct the company that is working on the technological path of the future. Discover our automation tool at the closing of sales! It became clear that closing sales goes far beyond - and starts much earlier - than the “done deal” handshake, isn't it? A Clicksign I prefer that companies go hand in hand with the transformation of the archaic business model to the modern one in every sense, so stay on top of everything that happens in the world of agile management with other publications on our blog!