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Data security: Learn about the importance of this issue

Data security: Learn about the importance of this issue

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Data security still seems like a seven-headed bug to many people. There is so much information produced and shared by countless users on a daily basis that the question that cannot escape the thought “what if my data were leaked”. For this very reason, the security of these personal and business data in the digital universe is one of the most important topics to learn about today, especially for those who are in charge of small, medium or large corporations.

Do you want to learn more about how this system works? Read on and see all the information that Clicksign has prepared for you! Also check out our post about digital transformation in document management and see more about this way of organizing and managing official files that may contain important data for your company!

After all, what is data security?

Data security is nothing more than taking actions aimed at protecting the data provided by users in the online environment. In other words, a system that helps manage information - be it files, accounts, personal content, and other materials - made available by someone who is connected to the Internet.

Actions aimed at information security can be configured as identity verification techniques, databases with greater controls, that restrict access to what was made available by the user, or even mechanisms that encrypt the content left by each Internet user who used that site.

And we're not just talking about the protection of third-party materials. Data security is also important so that the company can monitor who can see the content of your transactions, your bank details, and other content. In this way, it is possible prevent digital criminals from accessing items that enable fraud using your business as a disguise or leak your customers' information, breaking the public's trust in their services.

This system that seeks data confidentiality uses three concepts as a basis, helping to guide the discussion on the topic and also the decision-making of those who are seeking to improve the security of the information they manage!

The three pillars of information security

The strategies and mechanisms developed to keep your company or user data safe are:

  • confidentiality: it is necessary to ensure that the information produced in an online environment cannot be accessed by any institution or user without the server in possession of the data authorizing such viewing;
  • integrity: for security to be effective, in addition to limiting access to data, it is necessary not to change the information at the time of its storage;
  • availability: ensure that managed information can be accessed by people who have authorization from the company system or server that is storing the data.

These ideas are indispensable for the good management of information produced by a company or individual, and they are completely linked to the LGPD. Do you know that part of our legislation? Don't worry, we'll explain it to you!

What is the LGPD and what does it determine?

LGPD or General Data Protection Law is the name given to Law No. 13,709/2018 which determines the parameters for how personal data generated by users should be managed in any medium, including the digital environment. This determination is aimed at preserve the integrity and confidentiality of information so that no one is harmed by leaks of that content.

The letter of the law on this topic states that:

Law No. 13,709/2018
Art. 2
The discipline of personal data protection is based on:

I - respect for privacy;

II - informational self-determination;

III - freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion;

IV - the inviolability of intimacy, honor, and image;

V - economic and technological development and innovation;

I SAW - free enterprise, free competition and consumer protection; and

VII - human rights, the free development of personality, dignity and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons.

These parameters were determined following the pillars of data security that we explained above. It is important to know the LGPD, as all actions taken by the company on this matter must respect the guidelines of this guideline. Therefore, if you are in charge of implementing this system, don't forget to always check that your choices are in accordance with this determination, okay?

What is the importance of data security for companies?

The information that a company has about its consumers is perhaps its most important assets. The business that is concerned with optimizing the management of data provided by its consumers, achieves more efficiency and maintains a more solid basis for decision-making important.

And we cannot fail to mention that complying with information protection parameters ends up adding the credibility and modernity that will shape the organization's image. This is, of course, important to open up a competitive advantage in today's market.

In addition to these factors, there are advantages such as:

  • ensure ethics and transparency in internal processes;
  • make it faster and easier to access data necessary for the company's strategy;
  • minimize the risk that strategic brand information will end up leaking to the competition, revealing something that could be an advantage for the other institution;
  • help build customer loyalty by realizing that they can trust your data management;
  • improve the experience of those users on your server.

There are many benefits for your company and also for those who trust your business, aren't they? Then, learn how to start applying data security techniques!

How to ensure information security?

There are several ways to start increasing the protection of the information captured by your business, but we have listed the main practices and techniques that will make a big difference!

1. Make server backups

Backups are ways to make a copy of files and data from a system to a secondary location. In addition, they also make it possible to recover lost or stolen information. To make this practice even more effective, it is important to use an encryption tool to maintain the integrity of the content even during copying.

2. Set access limits

To identify any attack or error in the system, it is essential to have control over who or does not access administrative information and also of clients. thus will it be possible to verify any modification that occurs in this database. Therefore, limit the number of people that can enter this file and the freedom that each collaborator has to change the content.

3. Utilize cloud data storage

The best way to keep data stored, whether backed up or the original file, is to use cloud technology. By opting for this function, your information will be in a space on the network that can be accessed from anywhere - when logged in by someone who has access allowed - and who has extra security devices.

We talk more about this type of service in the post”What is cloud computing: benefits and applications”. Be sure to check it out!

4. Fortify password management

We're talking about data security in one where cyberattacks are more refined and powerful. Therefore, now You can't use more passwords like “companyname123" and to think that you are actually leaving the information safe in your database, right?

The best way out is to choose to create random codes made by a security system, which generates various passwords that are not easily guessed by cybercriminals. It is also interesting to adopt a policy of changing passwords periodically. That way, the entire team will have new access keys in a short period of time, which reduces the chances of a successful attack!

Now that you know the importance of data security care, start implementing the techniques of this system in your business and Become a trusted reference for your customers! Follow Clicksign's posts to be aware of new technologies and automations that help the business sector.

And don't forget to take a look at the post”Understand what automation is and how it can revolutionize your company”. Until next time!