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What electronic signatures are used for. Market sectors that benefit from the digital revolution.

What electronic signatures are used for. Market sectors that benefit from the digital revolution.

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We are already in the 21st century and there are still people who wonder what electronic signatures are for.

Alright, eliminating old habits, such as signing pen to paper, is not an easy task. This, however, should not prevent the emergence and consolidation of new technologies, such as electronic signatures.

This document seal model is much more practical, since everything is done in a virtual environment. There is no need for printing, transportation, or physical location to store contracts or other types of records. This guarantees agility, reduced bureaucracy and greater productivity of a company's employees, since documents can be signed from anywhere. For this purpose, only a device with internet access is required.

The company can use electronic signatures to carry out various types of transactions. Among them, we can say that this type of registration is very suitable for commercial contracts, renegotiations with suppliers, and even employee contracts with the company can be signed electronically.

But how about we look at some specific areas what electronic signatures are for?

In the legal sector

One of the areas of society in which electronic signature The one from the legal sector goes very well. As an example, we can state that if a person wants to make an ad juridical power of attorney, so that their lawyer can handle the acts of a lawsuit, that person does not have to go to their lawyer's office to sign the power of attorney. Just do this via email. The same applies to fee contracts, legal opinions, extrajudicial agreements, and arbitration services.

  • Procuração AdJudicia
  • Fee Agreement
  • Legal Opinion
  • Extrajudicial Settlement
  • Arbitration

In the HR segment

One of the sectors that benefit the most from electronic signatures is HR. You could also imagine companies with more than 100 employees, all of them having to sign new agreements with the company, the amount of printer paper and ink that can be spent if this contract is not signed electronically?

And that's just one example. The amounts that an electronic signature saves for companies are enormous. Only in the HR area can paper be saved when hiring employees, signing points, vacation receipts, time control and leave - paid or unpaid.

  • Admission of employees
  • Dot signature (?)
  • Confidentiality Agreement - NDA
  • Vacation Receipt
  • Time Control Ballot

In education

Schools of the most diverse sizes can benefit from electronic signatures. Just by not having to print an enrollment or re-enrollment contract for each student who enrolls in their courses, education institutions save a lot.

  • Student Enrollment/Enrollment
  • Rematriculation
  • Service contract

In the branches

The electronic signature also works very well at tourism agencies. The service provision contracts used in these companies allow this. But what, in fact, makes this type of subscription so efficient in these organizations is that it greatly speeds up the transaction, in addition to being more practical. The client does not have to leave their home or work to go to the agency to sign a contract. It reads and signs virtually on your home or office computer.

Marketing agencies still have one type of contract that their employees need to sign, it's the Confidentiality Agreement. This document requires the secrecy of all employees of the agency regarding their clients' information. Therefore, it would be necessary to print a contract for each person who works at the company. The amount of paper spent at the end of everything is enormous, unless this is done electronically.

Two other types of contracts that marketing and advertising agencies do a lot are the one for receiving materials and the trademark license. Both can be much more agile and secure if they are signed electronically.

  • Service provision agreement
  • NDA or Confidentiality Agreement
  • Accept for receiving materials
  • Trademark use/license agreement

In consultancies

A modern and agile consultancy, which uses the latest technologies to carry out its work, is of no use if the initial contract closing process is done in the old way, with pen and paper. In addition, it would be necessary to travel either from the client to the consultancy or from the consultancy to the client, just to sign the document. And in most of the companies that provide this service, there is less need for consultants to travel from their offices.

In the financial market

Companies that handle their clients' money, as is the case in the financial and accounting markets, can also benefit greatly from electronic signatures. There are several documents that, if signed electronically, would help save a lot of time for these companies, such as: asset declaration; credit securities; account opening; and loan portability form.

In the real estate market

Real estate agencies or other companies that work with real estate use a lot of paper for contracts. Clients need to come to the company just to sign a large number of sheets such as those found in rental contracts, brokerage, or property inspection authorization. That's precisely where people discover what electronic signatures are for. All of this would be much easier if it were signed by e-mail, without the need for clients to leave their homes or work just for a bureaucratic reason.

  • Rental agreement
  • Brokerage Agreement
  • Property inspection authorization

In the insurance market

Insurers find electronic signatures as an important ally in order to close deals more quickly. All negotiations can be done over the phone and contracts can be delivered by e-mail. This would prevent a broker from coming to the client, saving him and the client's time. Useful documents for these companies that can be signed electronically are the prospectus, the business proposal, and the quotation form.

  • prospect
  • Business Proposal
  • Quotation form

Thus, we can affirm that electronic signatures are the future that is now available to most entrepreneurs and professionals. Using it is more than a convenience, it is a matter of the company being up to date with the digital revolution that is taking place in the world today.

A Clicksign — company responsible for Clicksign Automation, which is an automation and contract management platform — offers a low-cost electronic signature service with all billing amounts in reais. Another fundamental factor for choosing Clicksign to make your electronic signature is protection. All messages and contracts are stored with maximum security to maintain their integrity. The messages exchanged through the platform are also very secure, as they are encrypted from end to end.

Now that you know what electronic signatures are for, how about contacting those of our consultants?