Fourth industrial revolution and its influence on the business world
We have finally entered the fourth industrial revolution. Technology has advanced so much that hundreds of products that previously had only a single, mechanical function, have now come to life with the internet. And not only that, The market in this new millennium saw the appearance of the 3D printer. With it, it is possible to create complex parts and products with digital models only. This not only makes the production process more accessible, but it also pulverizes the control of that production, in other words, anyone who has a 3D printer at home can become the manufacturer of the product they need.
But before we continue, it's worth a bit of history.
Do you know what the Industrial Revolution was and the phases it went through until we reached the current stage?
Well, it all starts way back in 18th century England. In this country, technology was invented to mechanize the process of creating fabrics. As a result, the first factories appeared. Soon, steam began to be used as energy to move transportation vehicles, such as trains and boats. We are here in the first industrial revolution.
This period lasted until the middle of the 19th century, when electricity was invented. With the use of electrical energy, the products started to be manufactured in mass and on assembly lines. That was the second industrial revolution.
The third revolution occurred in the middle of the 20th century, when the Age of Automation arrived and the process in the industry became digital. It was during this time that the first robots appeared.
Today, in the 21st century, we are entering industry 4.0, with cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, and software automation and artificial intelligence. We live in an era marked by decentralized production and an increasing increase in intelligent and interconnected devices.
Can we define some characteristics of Industry 4.0?
Yes, we can.
Basically, the fourth industrial revolution is a consequence of the digitization and advancement of the global computer network at practically every stage of industry, commerce, and services. It's almost impossible to think of a legally constituted company that doesn't have a customer contact point on the internet.
Thus, industry 4.0 has the following characteristics: information security; augmented reality; Big Data; autonomous robots; simulations; additive manufacturing; integrated systems; cloud computing; and Internet of Things.
And what changes with the fourth industrial revolution?
The tendency is for there to be many changes with the fourth industrial revolution, so that industry and capitalism itself are no longer the same. Some transformations are already taking place.
Increased productivity through optimization and automation
It is common today to see the appearance on the market of several startups that are related to the increase in productivity and automation of industrial processes. This is explained by the fact that entrepreneurs feel the need to save resources, improve profitability, reduce waste, accelerate production, and digitize flows that were previously made on paper. Regarding this last point, we can include the emergence of Clicksign Automation.
Clicksign Automation is an automation and contract management platform. Before, these documents were created on paper and today, with Clicksign Automation, are fully digital and online. The contracts are stored in the cloud, meaning they do not need physical space to be stored. They are also electronically signed, which reduces the time needed to close a deal and makes the process much more practical for all parties involved.
Digitization of products
Products are increasingly interconnected. Thus, it is possible to see a refrigerator that controls the food and the application that is in it connects to your cell phone, so that when you go shopping you can access the list of products that are missing on the phone. Another example of easy viewing is the car that leaves the factory already with a multimedia panel, which calculates the route, connects to the cell phone, beeps if you are not wearing a belt and allows you to access a series of devices only with voice command.
That's industry 4.0. A transformation process that allows traditional products to be redesigned and connected to each other, promoting a true revolution in the market.
The Data Age
Today, practically everything we do generates some type of data for companies to use. The path we take to get from home to work is stored in the maps of applications such as Waze or Google Maps. A store that is on this route can invest in advertising in these APPs so that your ads run the moment you visit the establishment.
But that's just one example of how our data is used by companies. The important thing is to understand that everything from the programs you watch on your Smart TV to the physical exercises you practice shape the products that will soon be on the shelves. We can say that the consumer is the center of everything in the fourth industrial revolution.
Greater control over errors on the production line
In the past, when there was a problem on a production line, the solution could only be thought of after the damaged products had already been produced. As a result, resources were wasted, the brand image was tarnished, orders were canceled, and products were recalled. All of this caused a great loss for the factory.
Today, with the production processes interconnected and with the entire system monitored, it is possible to notice an error the moment it occurs, programming alerts and supporting the machines before they fail. With real-time monitoring, problems can be diagnosed more quickly. As a result, a large window of opportunity opened up for entrepreneurs who use technology to deal with intelligent maintenance and the prevention of failures in the production line.
Large-scale product customization
Consumers really want to differentiate themselves from one another. Therefore, the products in this new millennium are extremely customized. A good example are Monica's Gang books that allow users to create their own characters and place themselves within the story, with the right to each one's own name. On the publisher's website it is possible to insert your character in the book and the work is delivered to your home on the stipulated date.
In this way, the fourth industrial revolution came to transform everything we knew as the production of goods, commerce, and service. From it, the consumer gains a special highlight, taking on the leading role in this new market. This is the reflection of the pulverization and digitization of production methods. And you? What is your role in this story? Are you going to passively watch this revolution or are you going to enter industry 4.0 headlong.
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