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Use cases: Accepted via WhatsApp

Use cases: Accepted via WhatsApp

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Knowing the use cases of Accept via WhatsApp is perfect for mastering situations in which it is necessary to formalize a quick acceptance from a recipient, without red tape. This is a less complex type of subscription, with the collection of authentication points registered by Clicksign itself - and a exclusive resource in the market.

This Acceptance, together with other contextual evidence collected by the customer outside the Clicksign environment, renders certain content duly formalized between the parties and makes it possible to Sign terms and agreements without having to leave your messaging app preferred.

Source: Clicksign

It is important to remember that The customer is the owner of the Aceite content, which means that it is solely and exclusively up to the customer to define whether the tool is suitable and has the required degree of authentication for the respective type of content. Below are some general use cases, which are merely illustrative and cannot be considered, under any circumstances, a legal opinion of Clicksign. 

In general

  • confirmation of reading;
  • registration changes;
  • authorization;
  • receipt of documents;
  • confirmation of services provided;
  • confirmation of the scope of services to be provided;
  • scheduling visits;
  • acceptance of terms of use.conditions;
  • confirmation of request.


  • Authorizations for tours, visits;
  • Use of images at events organized by the educational institution;
  • Amendment of student registration data.


  • Account changes:

A bank customer has difficulty accessing the Internet banking. When requesting a change to their account, such customers can receive the terms to accept through the use of Accept via WhatsApp.


  • Delivery of any document to the customer:

For cases where it is necessary to confirm the delivery of a document, with Accepted via WhatsApp it is possible to obtain the acceptance of a content, confirming the delivery of that document.

  • Arrangement of fees between lawyer and client.


  • Receiving prescriptions online:

A doctor can send an Accept to his patients in order to have proof that it was the patient himself who received the prescription.

  • Data change:

Changes can be made to a patient's data and, in order to confirm these changes, the doctor's office sends the patient a term to be accepted, through the tool.

  • Confirmation of appointment scheduling.

Enterprise, Companies

  • Terms of Use:

The company may send the customer or user the terms of use of its product or service through the Accept.

  • Visit/appointment confirmation;
  • Product contracting.


  • Policy changes, insurance deductibles;
  • Arrange for reimbursement of services covered by the insurance;
  • Confirmation of franchise use/scheduling of services offered by the insurance.


  • Adjustment of changes in the amounts charged for the service;
  • Confirmation of sending and receiving documents;
  • Confirmation of payment for the service;
  • Confirmation of delivery of documents.

Real Estate

  • Confirmation of survey terms;
  • Reimbursement/rebate of investments made by the tenant in property.


  • Change in contract amount;
  • Receipt and return of equipment:

To confirm the receipt and return of equipment from new and old customers, a telecommunications company can send an Acceptance via WhatsApp so that the person accepts that term/content.

  • Confirmation of service provided:

After making a repair on the internet, for example, a telecommunications company can send confirmation of the service provided through the tool.


  • Confirmation of company policy changes;
  • Confirmation/request for vacations/time off.

Incredible, isn't it? So, now that you know some use cases of accepting via WhatsApp and know how this feature can further simplify the management of your business, if you want to digitize your processes, as the main companies in the market do, in an applicable and legally valid way, don't waste time and discover our Plans and Pricing.