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Blended learning: discover the hybrid learning model

Blended learning: discover the hybrid learning model

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The concept of Blended Learning (hybrid learning or b-learning, as it is also known), has been disseminated as a good solution to improve student learning around the world. The main concept of this methodology is to mix distance and face-to-face teaching techniques, thus bringing a series of benefits to the institution, teachers and students. But how is this done in practice? What are the real advantages of these models?

That's what our post is about today, shall we?

Whats Blended Learning?

O Blended Learning It is a methodology that combines two teaching practices aimed at providing better adaptability and performance for students: with activities in virtual and face-to-face environments. With these two pedagogical techniques, students view all class materials, via the distance learning platform, and will discuss the content in person, ask questions and participate in integration dynamics. This system can be structured with synchronous and asynchronous practices, that is, with moments in which students and teachers carry out activities together, with a predefined schedule or with flexible periods. We will explain it to you better below.

What is the meaning of synchronous and asynchronous learning?

When we talk about Blended Learning it is important to open space to talk about synchronous and asynchronous learning. And for the avoidance of doubt, here's a brief explanation of these terms:

Synchronous learning

Synchronous learning is one that contemplates the moments when student and teacher are in the same environment or in synchronous access. In other words, everyone must be connected at the same time. This mutual meeting can be done both in person and in a virtual environment. It is important that there is a teacher, or instructor, with the students. The main advantage of this modality is the opportunity to create a group discussion, focusing on a rich exchange of information in real time. Synchronous learning is widely used for situations in which it is necessary to provide opportunities for interaction between people from the same group, for moments of problem solving, or for exchanging experiences with a specialist in the subjects studied.

Asynchronous learning

The modality that we call asynchronous, does not require any simultaneity between accesses, even if the materials are also available in virtual environments. That is, here students can access all content on their own time, without the obligation to have a teacher connected at the same time. The greatest advantage of this methodology is the flexibility of students, who can study whenever and wherever they want, with sufficient time to analyze the materials received. With these definitions in mind, it is easier to understand why they are applied and work very well in Blended Learning. To understand more about the subject, see the post”What is the importance of technology in education?“in which we explain how innovative resources are improving the educational landscape.

What are the advantages of Blended Learning?

The possibility of inserting hybrid education can transform educational institutions and, why not, companies and other organizations. After all, the ease of access, flexible schedules, and integration among the participants it is advantageous for everyone and expands the possibilities of knowledge. Here are other advantages of this type of methodology:

1. Cost reduction

Yes, we can talk about reducing the expenses of educational institutions when carrying out hybrid education. How? With the possibility of working on-line, institutions will save on resources such as water, electricity and teaching materials, for example.

2. Creating virtual documents

Forget about red tape. With digital signature systems, contracts, registration documents, and even virtual diploma can be issued. These technologies make Are processes more agile and that there are no expenses with paper, working time and facilities, especially in cases of long geographical distance.

3. Autonomy for the student

Students have greater autonomy to decide how and when they will study, managing their time and deadlines to fulfill all commitments. In addition, the students can explore different skills and enjoy the best of both worlds, the virtual one or at the meetings in person.

4. Stimulates integration among students

With face-to-face meetings, it is possible to develop integration between students, through collective dynamics, encouraging the most varied exchanges of experiences. b-learning allows students to have greater critical thinking and more opportunities to dive into the subjects in depth. In addition, it is a methodology that favors more customizable learning, compared to the face-to-face modality only.

Do you know the difference between Blended Learning and EAD?

Hybrid teaching, as we also call the methodology Blended Learning, can easily be confused with the distance education modality, since the content is available on platforms on-line and they have face-to-face meetings. But, the differences between these two methodologies lie both in the frequency and in the objectives of these meetings.In distance education, all phases and learning processes (classes, forums, activities, exams, etc.) are carried out in a virtual environment and face-to-face meetings are more focused on the application of final exams. Blended Learning combines the best of these two teaching modalities:

  • the practicality and ease of content in a virtual environment, such as in distance education;
  • the exchange of experiences and close contact between teachers and students, as in the face-to-face methodology.

Just one more highlight: In face-to-face hybrid education meetings, classes with exercises, dynamics and practices predominate with the objective of humanizing relationships in groups and with teachers. The result is the greater development of learning processes.

After all, how Blended Learning does it happen in practice?

As we have already exemplified before, in practice Blended Learning works based on the combination of face-to-face and also distance learning practices, with the objective of maximizing the learning of students with different levels of capacity and ability.

How is the in-person focus?

The purpose of face-to-face meetings is the interaction and involvement of students in groups., together with the teachers. In these cases, all materials are released in advance on the virtual platform and the students, after individual study, meet in person to discuss them.

How is the focus from a distance?

In the modality on-line of b-learning students access the materials on a virtual platform and do all their homework, research, and exercises at home. The face-to-face meetings, then, will be to present work, discussions, or evaluations.

How to increase productivity in Blended Learning?

One of the ways to increase productivity in Blended Learning it is through the automation of processes, which make the relationship between educational institution and students more agile and that everyday life is more practical. Through the electronic signature in educational institutions, the enrollment process is simplified, for example. Institution saves time and labor to make documents available in bulk, in just a few clicks. Another way to improve productivity in this methodology is through consultations on-line with teachers, who can be well planned and help optimize learning for later group experiences. Teaching technology has helped to facilitate access to contents and making education available to everyone, that's why Blended Learning it has been so important. Did you like to learn more how hybrid learning has revolutionized the way of teaching and learning? Keep following our posts here on the Clicksign blog to learn more about technology and innovation in the area of education. If you want to digitize your processes, as the main companies in the market do, in an applicable and legally valid way, don't waste time and discover our Plans and Pricing.