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Improving the customer experience, this is the priority in the crisis

Improving the customer experience, this is the priority in the crisis

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Improving the customer experience is one of the most important strategies when we experience social distancing that greatly hinders closing sales.

It is natural that during an atypical period, such as the one involving a quarantine due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, most companies will have difficulty selling. But it's important to be clear that it's no use always hitting the same key, making a thousand strategies to try to increase sales, when the focus should be on providing customers with their unforgettable relationship with your brand.

Forcing a sale during this period can even be dangerous for the image of your business, since it can give the impression of insensitivity to the delicate moment in which we live. That is why it is necessary to think of an alternative strategy that avoids damage to your image and reinforces ties with the consumer.

First of all, the relationship with your customers

Before the crisis triggered by the pandemic, a large number of companies already had an advanced vision of relationship marketing. Because it is essential to differentiate yourself in the face of a market marked by competition. In the midst of difficult times, then, this vision became fundamental to separate companies that care about the consumer and understand what they feel from those that only want them to buy their products or services.

Calm down! That's not to say that you should forget the difficulties of your business and, much less, stop selling. We all know that you have to pay the bills. However, showing your customer that you care about them can strengthen their relationship with your brand and make them choose your brand over your competitor's when everything is over.

An example of how you can do this relationship is, to the extent possible, to make it more flexible to pay consumers for monthly services to help them in the midst of the crisis.

Each customer is an individual

It is necessary to see each client as an individual who has many aspects and needs. He doesn't just want your product, and maybe your merchandise matters the least to him right now. Therefore, investing in measures to improve the customer experience can take your company to another level. After all, you will be looked upon very kindly and this could build the necessary bridge for future businesses.

In this way, simple actions that show concern for individuals' health and social well-being can help you score points and positively reinforce your brand image. However, for this to be possible, these actions must be genuine.

But do you know how to do that in your business?

A tip for those who have a retail store is to offer masks, alcohol gel, organize queues with distance between people, provide delivery of products by delivery. All of this helps customers to maintain a good impression of their business and after the quarantine sales increase.

It is also necessary, when communicating with your client, to emphasize their aspects as an individual. To do this, the tip is to gather as much information as possible about him and use it during communication. Thus, age, family, hobbies, gender, and other information can help with the dialogue and make your company treat consumers as integral human beings and not just as customers.

Demonstrate interest in the health of your potential consumer, especially in the current moment in which we live. Give guidelines and tips that may help you. If your audience is comprised of the population most vulnerable to coronavirus, redouble that interest.

Be proactive in communicating

It is essential that the initiative to provide information to your customer comes from you. Don't leave him with doubts about a product or service, especially if that question he has is due to the lack of clarity of information or the insufficient amount of guidance.

Take care of your communication channels. Make them work, even if your company is working from home. Your customer may want to ask questions for them and it's very annoying when these channels don't serve the reason they were created, which is to communicate between company and consumer.

This is also true when these means work poorly, especially generating costs for the customer, such as telephone calls. If there is a delay in telephone service, your consumer may become impatient or frustrated and thus withdraw from your company.

The same can be said of the delay in providing clarification by e-mail. Even though the moment is one of quarantine in ordinary life, the digital universe hasn't stopped. So there's no need to take too long to reply to an email message.

It may seem like overzeal, however, if there are flaws in these points mentioned, the image shown to the customer is that your company doesn't care about them. Thus, to avoid these negative situations, it is important to provide as much data as possible about your product, services or your company.

Being proactive in communication also means contacting your current and potential consumers and seeking their questions, answering them and informing them about news, updates, and corrections. A form with the main questions on the site can be very useful. The same goes for a corporate blog that offers information about the market, product, or simply customer questions.

Use technology to improve the customer experience

Even with social isolation it is possible to be close to your clients. This can be done through communication via email, telephone, or social networks and is important to let your audience know that your business exists and is working. After the crisis, your would-be consumer will probably remember you more than your competitor when choosing who to buy the desired product from.

In addition, with the technology developed in recent years, with the digital transformation, it is possible to maintain a strong contact, even remotely. Thus, messaging apps, video conferencing, live chats, webinars are some of the types of mechanisms that can be used to not let your consumer forget you during this time of quarantine.

A Clicksign, as a company that has been immersed in the digital revolution for years, follows its work normally and knows that the customer experience is as important as the quality of its solutions. No wonder, it created a free electronic signature plan, especially aimed at customers who need to sign documents, but who are currently not available to use the company's most robust plans.

Therefore, think about how you can improve your customer experience, because surely when this crisis passes, this thought will improve the health of your entire company, especially that of your sales.