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Tips for optimizing the school enrollment process

Tips for optimizing the school enrollment process

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With social isolation, the increase in the search for professional relocation and greater online accessibility, the school enrollment process and courses must also increase its opportunities to reach the public and offer important amenities and differentials to gain satisfaction and competitiveness.

After all, along with demand, the volume of supply from various parties also grows, and the greater the volume of competitors in the scenario, the more specialized it is important to be. Today we are going to talk about how to achieve excellence when it comes to completing your enrollment.

The importance of optimizing enrollment

The concept of quality of life in procedures related to the customer experience has become one of the central processes -if not the main one- when it comes to satisfaction and procedures that guarantee greater contract renewal rate and new conversions in areas such as education.

With the recent events of the pandemic, the educational process became hybrid or even fully digital for some periods, especially with the purpose of avoiding the risks of social contact without reducing the quality of service or the performance of studies.

Be in the online environment

Most of the consumer public is in online world, and it is important to be massively present in this environment, adapting your main marketing tactics to social networks, understanding the average audience in your segment and being able to relate to both students and their guardians, in the case of elementary and secondary education.

Showing that you are ready for the virtual era is an important step in generating trust and also engagement with your audience. Every day, the marketing profile created by your company makes a difference in the conversion rate.

Keep in mind the importance of Offer content that resolve customer questions and offer alternatives and ideas, discuss the professions of the future, opportunities in the labor market and the fundamental role that technologies play in this context.

Offer a complete service network

It is important to be available to the customer in every possible space: offering landlines and cell phones, messaging apps, e-mail, providing an address for face-to-face service and also service via chat on social networks.

Sometimes it can be complicated to take care of so many networks and service channels at the same time, but the shorter the wait time, the better the first image.

Is it possible to program a self-service for the customer creating business accounts on the networks, which makes it easier to provide customer data in advance, as well as it is possible to create extensions over the phone and prepare materials and audios explaining the enrollment procedures, payment terms, and course programming.

Taking care of the layouts and the preparation of the materials is another way to optimize the user experience and increase their interest.

Have a good site

It is on your website that the main information about your institution will be available. Create banners with good quality, offer an intuitive user path that can direct the customer to convert intuitively: without exaggerations and appeals, but also without hindering your arrival to completion.

The ideal is to mix well-written content, which helps your positioning in search engines, together with a responsive site that can be accessed via cell phone.

To provide personalized service, offer a contact form, so the customer schedules their service and already makes their first engagement with your platform, providing important data for your database.

But be careful: to offer trust, it is important that every page where the customer provides personal data has HTTPS certificate, ensuring the security of your information.

Law of Least Effort

One of the main reasons why clients give up completing the school enrollment process is impersonality: making an important decision like this requires human contact, even in times of distance.

Long forms end up consuming a lot of time. As important as it is to collect data, the ideal is for the first contact to be as brief as possible: offer alternatives to create an account on the site with your e-mail account or social networks.

In addition, it requires little effort when filling out forms. You will have the ideal time to collect more data as the enrollment process progresses.

Have a document management system

For forms to become documents and make up your database, it is important to have a optimized system from document management. Clicksign offers the complete set of amenities that ranges from the customer database to the possibility of drafting documents that optimize the school enrollment process.

It is possible to define re-enrollment dates, perform data conferencing dynamically and organize all documents in the cloud, with security and confidentiality for both parties.

Offer the possibility of digital signature

The need for social distancing or even the distance between the contractor and the service provider may be another problem that arises between the conclusion of the contract, especially when it comes to higher education without regional headquarters.

Devising a contract, in addition to being secure for both parties, is a sign of professionalism. And this very important process can and must be optimized.

Offer a service of electronic signature it is another proof of professionalism and concern for the client's convenience, since the digital signature can be performed using different procedures, whether by cell phone, e-mail, subscription via PIX, token, WhatsApp and many others, always at the customer's disposal.

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