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Digital HR: what is it and what are the pros of the digital back office?

Digital HR: what is it and what are the pros of the digital back office?

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New technologies for the business area have even spread to the human resources sector, giving rise to Digital HR. This work model has become popular every day and is certainly here to stay. Por provide improvements for employees and also for companies, this operational trend will certainly gain even more space in projects that are concerned with always keeping up with market advances. Those who follow our content here on the Clicksign blog, already know that we always provide ways to optimize work, to maintain companies with modern and agile management. Of course, for this reason, we would not fail to bring this news to the human resources sector. To learn more about the topic, just keep reading!

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Also check out our text about How to optimize the employee lifecycle in the company, a subject that has everything to do with Digital HR!

After all, what is digital HR?

The Human Resources sector of a company is popularly referred to as HR, or also as back office. When we talk about digital HR, we are referring to adherence to technological tools to carry out activities that part of the business. In other words, they are systems that optimize the department's obligations. But don't be fooled, it's not enough just to include technology in any way in the daily life of this sector! Is it necessary to have a strategic vision for these changes to be made in the correct parts of the operation, actually increasing the performance of the work. Otherwise, this will just be a wasted investment, generating rework and disrupting the team you already have.

How does the digital back office work in practice?

This practice is based on the strategic insertion of technology, so it works in such a way that programs are designed to carry out certain actions that were previously carried out 100% by employees. For them, it is the responsibility to inspect the deliveries and also to carry out points that cannot be made by the machines. Therefore, we always work together the tools with HR. This is a resource that It does not seek to replace the human capital that exists in the HR sector, but rather an option to improve the routine of these employees. That way, they are free of those boring and repetitive activities, and they have more time to dedicate to other tasks in their area. We explain more about the man-machine relationship in the business sector in our post”Human capital and technology: valuation or competition?“, be sure to check it out!

What are the advantages of digital HR?

Don't think that the inclusion of technology in the area of human resources is unnecessary. This modernization brings advantages for the business in which it operates, and also for employees in the sector. Find out what they are:

  • avoid errors caused by tiredness from a repetitive activity;
  • streamlines the execution of various processes;
  • optimizes the work of the human resources sector and also the personnel department;
  • enables more strategic management;
  • helps in the healthy growth of a company;
  • reduces costs, as the team is able to carry out more activities in the same period;
  • increases team satisfaction;
  • makes the company keep up with market changes.

Because of the growth of Industry 5.0, we will be able to see more and more advantages in the inclusion of automations and technological tools in companies. These improvements can revolutionize the market, bringing a new work configuration and ever greater optimizations.

How to modernize your company's HR

Many people imagine that only large multinationals have resources and reasons to choose digital HR. However, the truth is the exact opposite of that. This may be the action that takes your business to a new level in terms of production, management and, consequently, profits. Combining these tools with good work, you will certainly achieve healthy and accelerated growth. Are you interested in digital HR practices? Learn how to start modernizing your company's back office!

1. Identify the bottlenecks

Bottlenecks are steps that reduce the volume of production, making it difficult to carry out tasks and delaying deliveries, whether from a factory or from an administrative sector. Each company has its own difficulties and identifying them correctly will contribute to a quick correction. Therefore, the first step in modernizing the back office of your enterprise is to analyze HR activities, identifying which are the most repeated processes, those that take the most time, and also those that get stuck due to the high demand for actions. To read below: Bureaucratic bottlenecks — how to identify and resolve?

2. Understand which processes need to be optimized

When an activity is having trouble completing it, it is not always all the steps involved in it that are experiencing bottlenecks. Keeping this in mind means that, after understanding the exact point that prevents the progress of that work, you focus your efforts on what will actually help to resolve this issue. Thus, you will save time and resources invested. For example, if closing a period sheet is HR's greatest difficulty, not necessarily all calculations and actions within this process are the problem. It may be that only the filing of documents, such as certificates and vacation requests, that is wrong ends up causing delays in this entire process. In this case, You should look for a tool that acts directly at this critical point, quickly solving what made the activity slow. We talked about Ways to optimize payroll closing In another post here on the blog, be sure to check it out!

3. Choose the right tools

Because it is still a recent trend, not everyone knows which tools are part of Digital HR. They are the most important part of this practice, as they allow optimizations to take place and activity bottlenecks to be resolved. Knowing this, we have separated a list of the main devices to help the back office sector of your business. See what they are!

  • software for point management: quickly provides complete reports on absences, overtime, and other factors related to the point that may interfere with payroll;
  • digital signatures: added to the use of online documents, they facilitate the completion of contracts and other certificates, ensuring legal validity and security for the content of the file;
  • automations for renewing contracts: save your team's time and free them from repetitive activities that may appear monthly;
  • recruitment tools: platforms that help find new talent suited to the company's needs;
  • empowerment and training systems: optimizes the time spent helping new employees adapt to the institution's culture and practices.

These five options are directly related to the most common and recurring bottlenecks in companies from different sectors. Be sure to consider them when starting the process of modernizing the human resources sector of your business. If you want to learn more about one of them, we have complete content about The Future of HR Work. In it, we detail the benefits of having technology combined with the area! If you liked to know these points about Digital HR, be sure to follow the other Clicksign blog posts. We bring new ones weekly Tips for business management and other issues that can help those who are at the head of modern enterprises! Until next time!